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We have landed at Healing Centre 6 in Axy. Tyson, Xavier, and I, as we carry my mom, rush into the centre and call for anyone to help my mom who looks to be on the verge of fainting in our arms.

Elementals with different coloured hair and eyes come rushing out. They take one look at my mom and rush her back from where they came.

We all just stand there for a second before I make the first move to go outside. I don't wait for anyone to follow me and don't want anyone to. I just want some time alone.

When I go out to the fresh breeze, I close my eyes and breath the amazing air in. When I let out my breath, I go over to an unoccupied bench and sit.

The blue sky has a darker cloud covering it and it looks like it's going to rain. I don't mind. I love the rain ever since I was younger.

No one has followed me yet and I'm glad. I want to have some space to think about everything The Dark has said.

"I only want you again."

"Now, come with me, or they will make you come."

"Why are you taking my Christin?"

"What is he talking about?" I question out loud as I put my elbows on my knees.

"I don't know." An accented voice says.

I whip my head around to see Jayden standing beside the bench I'm sitting on. I look into his orange eyes and don't see any sign of hate or wanting to fight with The Dark.

Then I remember the smaller Darken that was at Wasten.

"How could you!?!" I scream at him and scramble back, trying to get as far away as possible.

"W-what are you talking about?" He asks, hurt taking over his beautiful orange eyes.

"You where there! Fighting with The Dark!!" I shout to him and take cautious steps away from him.

"I wasn't there." He tells me, shaking his head slightly. "I-I was at home." He hesitates.

"No! You where the smaller Darken that popped out of the ground!" I tell him.

He shakes his head. "No. I wasn't. I was at home."

"Then who was it?" I ask him, not believing any of the words that fell from his lips.

"I don't know. But it wasn't me." He explains. "I was at home. Please believe me."

I only look at him with questioning eyes as I look at his apologetic face. He looks very sorry for what he had done and my shoulders relieve a little.

"Please. Can we start over and I promise, with everything, that it wasn't me." He tells me and moves closer.

I don't move and let him come closer. He keeps eye contact and finally reaches me. He grabs my hands and my stomach does a very intricate dance routine at his touch, making me look down.

I nod my head. "Sure." I then look back up. "But if I find out that you are planning to kill me, then I will destroy you." I spit.

He nods his head, understanding. "And you will not have to destroy me." He smiles, giving me a drop dead gorgeous smile that any girl will fall for.


"When did you get here?" Is my next question, because now that I think about it, Jayden wasn't with us when we tracked here.

"Not long ago." He tells me. "I was contacted by a physician I know well, telling me that my friends were here. So, I tried to get here as fast as possible. And I didn't even go inside when I found you on the bench."

"Oh." Is all I can say to that.

Jayden then looks deeply into my eyes and I look into his bright orange ones that shine against the sky.

"I'm sorry." He whispers out of nowhere.

I don't answer him and just study his features. I look past his left eye and notice a scar that goes from his ear to his jaw line.

"When did you get that?" I ask before my brain can process that I've said anything at all.

He looks confused until I move my hand from his grasp and run my finger lightly against the scar. It's deep, but not too deep. From a distance you would never know it was there.

"Oh!" He laughs, scratching the back of his neck, releasing my hand. "Well I got it not that long ago."

As he says that, I search my memory for a scar by his ear and don't come up with one.

"So it's new?" I ask. "When?"

"Well...ummm...." He trails off and looks to the side. The sun has started to go down and beautiful pink, yellow, and orange colours peek through the dark cloud above us.

"Jayden? When did you get that scar?" I ask. I look at him, questioningly and tilt my head.

"I it-" He suddenly gets caught off by a shouting that comes from behind us.

I turn my body to look past Jayden's build and see Winter running to us with panic dancing on her face.

"Madilyn!!" She shouts and Jayden turns to look at her terrified body running to us. "It's your mother!!"

I can feel the panic fill my face and walk away from Jayden to Winter.

Before I can reach her she says the worst words that can be said in the entire world and along with that, rain starts to drizzle and soon starts to pour on us.

"Your mother's dead." She says as she comes to a stop not that far away from us. "For real this time."


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