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"What happened?" Says an accented voice.

"I don't know?" Says a high pitched voice. "I let her go with Hazel and then my guards come to me saying they're hearing screams come from the basement. I tell them to go and check and two different guards bring her to me. No one was in sight. I have no idea how she got there or why."

"What about Hazel?" The accented voice says.

"Jayden, come on. Hazel wouldn't do this. She is my niece and I trust her. So if you would excuse me. I am going to go and check on something." With that, a door slams shut. I feel another presence in the room and it must be Jayden.

"You wouldn't understand." Jayden says under his breath and he leaves too.

It's dead silent and it feels uncomfortable. I try to open my eyes. They are heavy but I am able to open them. I'm staring at a huge room. It has a giant blue canopy bed in the middle which, I am laying on. There is a big window on the other side of the room, with a seat attached to it. There is a sofa near the wall to my left and double doors to me right. I would guess that is the exit to the hallway. Next to the sofa is another set of double doors, but smaller than the others. They are probably the closet doors. There is a bookshelf by the window with tons of books on it.

Good. I think to myself. Books are my life.

Next to the book selves is a huge desk made of dark wood. Next there are three dressers around the room for clothes.

Who needs so much clothes? I ask myself.

Next to the bed, are two bedside tables next to it. Next to dresser #2 is a full length mirror. I am to busy looking at the room I miss the knock on the door. It's only when there is a harder one I notice it.

"Come in." I say.

"Hello?" Says a shy voice.

"Hi." I say to a girl coming in. She is about my age with white hair that is in a loose bun and clear sparkly eyes. She has on black glasses that pop against her light skin and hair. She has on a blue dress that goes down to her knees and she has silver flats.

"I'm Winter Feral. I am a Wind." The girl tells me. "You must be Madilyn. Half the Castle is worried about you because no one knows who did it except you and we have never had anything like this happen."

"Oh ummm......" I trail off.

"Sorry if I am being rude but I brought food." She says holding out a tray full of mouth watering foods. "Would you mind telling me who did this. Jayden is angry and he wants to kill who did this. And you never want to see him angry. Ok, well maybe he doesn't really want to kill the person because when he is, he is a super softy."

"Well ummm.......Haze-" I didn't even finish her name when Winter jumps up.

"I knew it. Jayden knew it. The Queen doesn't. Hazel is the Queens niece and she believes anything that is against Hazel because Hazel is the closest thing to a daughter she has ever had!!! She has always wanted a daughter but got stuck with Art. Everyone has noticed how terrible she is to him." She rambles. "I knew it. Jayden is going to kill her-wait Hazel is his girlfriend. How? What? Why?" She questions herself.

"Well ummm....Hazel was my bully in junior high and I never thought she was an Elemental. But she did say some weird things. Also did some weird things, like punching and kicking me." I tell Winter.

"Tell me!" Winter pleads. But before I could get any words out Jayden and the Queen come barging in the room, followed my Aaron and Art. They all seem to be arguing over something.

"She's awake!!" The Queen announces to everyone, making everyone stop their bickering. "Winter you may go!" The Queen urges Winter out. Winter looks taken aback but soon dismisses it and starts to leave.

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