
34 8 11

She's dead.

She's dead. For good.

She's dead for good this time.

The only words running through my head as I fall to my knees in front of Winter, into a puddle that has started to form from the downpour. She comes to me and rubs my back. I don't pay attention to her and only look back to the building that holds my dead mother.

Suddenly, without me controlling my body, I stand up and run to the front door. I don't care about Winter or Jayden's footsteps that are following me. Or the water running down my face and clothes. I only want to see my mom.

I burst through the doors and Elementals look at me weirdly, but I don't care. I push past people to a door that looks like it will have patients behind it. And my mother.

Before I can open the door. An Elemental that stands way taller than me, has yellow eyes and chestnut brown hair, that is out of control, stands in front of me and grabs me, holding me away from me seeing my mom. I recognize the eyes, but I'm to busy of getting to my mother to care about some stupid physicians eyes.

"Miss, you can not go back there." They calmly say to me as I struggle against their strong grip.

"But! Please!!" I plead with him.

They hold me firmly and I try to use my element to get out of their grip.

"No element use is allowed in any Healing Centres, Miss." They say to me as I try to form a water ball and through it at him.

It misses terribly and hits another Elemental in a seat. I try again and hit the same person who looks furiously at me. And then another pair of arms wrap around me, holding me tighter.

"Madilyn." They whisper in my ear. "Calm down." And I instantly do at the voice. "So sorry Physician Hudgens."

"Oh! No worries Jayden. Just make sure to take Madilyn away from the patients. Maybe outside." He suggests, pointing at me.

"No!!" I shout and move out of Jayden's grasp, that has turned into a loose one. "I need to see her!!! Please!!"

I push through the loose white doors and run right into a wall. I fall harshly to the ground and instantly look up from the floor to see two Elementals that look like guards standing side by side, acting as a wall.

"We are sorry but you'll have to come with us, Miss." The one on the right says.

I glare at them. "How can you be sorry if you are taking someone away from seeing their DEAD MOTHER!!" I shout at the guards as I stand up.

Both of their eyes widen for a second before going back to normal and I hear one of them mutter a quiet 'sorry' and the other a 'what dead mother?'

I look back to the physician and Jayden. The physician, who I now recognize as Principle Hugo, wears a mask of shock.

"I'm so sorry, Madilyn." He says to me. "I really am. I didn't know you where the daughter of Christin Waker." He says.

"Please!! Just let me see her!" I plead again, trying not to break down.

He smiles and nods his head. Instantly the guards move out of the way and past us to take care of other business they need to tend to.

The principle waves his hand for me to follow and I walk down the hall with Jayden beside me. I also hear Winter's light footsteps not far behind.

As we walk, my eyes start to sting with threatening tears. I wipe them away with the back of my sleeve. Jayden must have notice because he takes my other hand in his. I flinch at the contact and he must have noticed because he moves his hand away. But I instantly put my hand back in his, wanting the comfort he is offering.

I look up to see his orange eyes looking back at my blue ones. He gives a sad smile but I can't muster up enough courage to do anything with my face because if I do, the tears will come streaming like rivers down my face.

Once we reach a door that is marked with the number of 38, we stop and all look at the door, waiting for anyone to make the first move.

Hugo turns around suddenly and looks at me. "I'm very sorry for how we acted back there. We should not have done that and kept you from seeing your mother. We are genuinely sorry." He apologizes. "Please take as long as you need." And he gestures for me to open the door.

I don't move.

Not yet.

I don't want to.

But I have to. I tell myself.

"Madilyn?" Jayden asks from beside me.

I look up at him with tears swelling in my eyes. I quickly look away from his face and move closer to the door.

I have to see her. I tell myself as I slowly open the door.

I open the door to a light room. No ones is in here expect me and the walls and almost everything is white. The side tables don't hold anything and in the middle of the room, a bed with a covered person lays peacefully. Almost sleeping. But I know better than to think she is sleeping, because she isn't sleeping. She dead.

I move slowly to her side and look at her covered body.

How can someone that's dead seem so peaceful? I ask myself.

I hear the door close behind me and I shakily move my hands to her covered face. I remove the white sheet and see her ghostly pale face.

I can't hear my gasp as I come face to face with my now dead mother.

"M-mo-m?" I choke out as the tears start coming down my face.

She doesn't answer me and the tears come harder. I fall to the ground and throw my arms over her body.

"Mom!!" I cry out, not caring if anyone heard me. I only want my mom back so we can get revenge on The Dark together. And so I can fix my relationship with her.

I cry onto the sheet that covers her corpse and don't move for what feels like hours. Soon I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jolt from my spot to what feels like halfway across the room.

Standing there is Jayden with a sorry look playing tango across his face.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I don't say anything and run to hug him. I need a hug from somebody and he is the closest person right now.

When I run in to him I can feel his surprise but soon his arms slide around my back and hold me from crashing down again.

"Y-you didn't do-o anything." I stutter. "It was all his fault. Everything was. The Elementals of Wasten having to escape their home, my mom almost dying and now dead. Xavier and I almost loosing our lives too. It was all his fault-t." My voice cracks at the end and more tears come down, soaking Jayden's shirt.

He rubs my back and doesn't say anything. But it's all I could ever ask for right now. I don't want words for comfort, I want someone. Anyone. And right now, it's Jayden.

"Please don't go." I whisper into his shoulder.

"I won't." He tells me and we stay like that for what feels like hours and hours. Neither of us making the first move to break contact.


Elements-PausedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora