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So just to start off, I am so grateful for everyone who has read my book. It isn't the best one out in the world and I want to fix that. I never actually thought my book would get to about two thousand views. I'm not even kidding it was a shock to see it.

I haven't been on Wattpad that much recently and only now have I wanted to start writing again. I guess I just didn't have the feeling for it at the time and with school and everything going on right now, I just didn't feel like I could do it.

I did leave this book off at a weird spot and I know that. It isn't done yet and I did have big plans for it. But now that I have revisited it again, I have realized how badly written it is. I don't want to fix anything right now because I have my mind set another book I want to put on here and I am really invested in it and not this one as much. But as for now I will not be touching it and will probably pick it up later. And I do want to pick it up, but I am probably going to change a whole lot of the book and I really don't want to do that right now, so I'm just going to leave it as it is.

Sorry to however does like it, I personally don't. But I just wanted to put an official saying out that it is, for now, paused and not just the title.

So thanks for ready and supporting my book and I hope everyone is doing well!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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