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"Ok! This place wins!" I say to Tyson as we walk through the central area of Maston. The buildings, the greenery, the elements cascading down the buildings in elegant manners. Fairy lights hanging from buildings over the beautifully sculpted fountain.

Everything was beautiful.

"It really does. Every circle has a central place, but everyone would agree that this is the most pretty and most time spent." Tyson explains as he follows me.

I twirl around with my hands up in the air and my face having the sun shine brightly one it. "Absolutely beautiful." I whisper. "They've really outdone themselves." I tell Tyson.

"They really have." He agrees as he catches up to me as I close in on the fountain.

"You want to throw a coin in?" He asks, holding out a coin as we approach.

I turn to look at him. "You guys do that too?" I asks him, surprised.

"Of course. Not all things have to be super different from the Eementless. We can have the same thing." He explains with a smile and a gesture of his head for me to take the coin.

I give him a big smile and grab the coin from his grasp. I hold it close to my chest as I close my eyes and think of something to wish for.

I wish to have more days like this with Tyson. I tell myself and let the slightly rusty coin drop into the water with a small splash.

"What'd you wish for?" Tyson asks as I walk back to him.

"Can't tell you or it won't come true!" I say to him as a smile takes over both our faces.

"You seriously believe in that?" He whines. "That's just dumb. No one would ever believe that's how it works. So, tell me!" He pleads.

"Nope!" I say, popping the 'p'.

"Why!" He whines, jutting his bottom lip out.

"You're really trying to pull out all the stops to get me to say what I wished for." I muse over him trying to quiver his lip.

Then it goes back to normal, him making a weird face and shaking his head. "Nope. Definitely not. I have no idea how you got that idea. No. Not me. Can't say I've done that." He rambles.

"Oh really!" I say, poking his side, making him stumble the second time today. I smile once he regains his balance and do it again.

"Will you stop touching me!" He cries after the second time.

"Can't. To easy to make you fall." I say and do it again which causes him to stumble again. "How are you this clumsy!" I laugh as I feel my feet going in different directions and me losing my footing, causing me to fall flat on my bum.

I then hear a familiar deep laughter coming from non other than the black haired boy beside me.

"Who's the clumsy one now? Tripping over their own two feet!" He laughs harder, causing a few heads to turn of some passerby's.

"Shut up." I grit through my teeth which only makes him laugh harder.

"Shut up!" He mimics in a high pitched voice that is definitely not mine.

"Stop copying me." I say as I dust the remaining dirt on my butt off.

"Stop copying me!" He says which makes him lean forward to clutch his stomach. He then stands up, puts his hand out like one of the jocks from a romcom movie who is going to lean on something but ends up falling and embarrassing himself. And just like one of the jocks, except with air and not a music stand or anything else that falls under pressure, Tyson starts to lean on air, not noticing how nothing is going to support him. He soon stops laughing and falls to the ground.

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