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I struggle to make my eyelids move but they end up giving in.

Wow. Not even two days in and I am already the victim! I think to myself sarcastically. I try to move but everything aches. Instead of trying to move I calm myself and look around. I am lying in a very uncomfortable bed with curtains to the side. There are more beds lined up like mine on both sides of the room. The room has bottles on shelves and other weird potion things. I notice a door on one end of the room and double doors on the other. On the other side of the one door I hear muffled talking.

"This isn't like Elementa!" Says a voice I don't recognize.

"We know. We are trying to figure out where the poison is coming from and killing Waters." Says a high pitched voice.

"Well my crew and I are trying to figure out what's happening and we have others trying to cure it. It's going very slow and I don't think we can stop it. So far we have collected some data from the dead Waters. The poison seems to be coursing through their body, starting at their hands and making it to their heart. We don't know how to get it because we don't know where the poison actually is because it's invisible, Queen. We need your help too. You are the Queen." The voice says to Queen Bee.

"I am trying. I have visited Wasten and investigated but there is no sign of poison yet there." Queen Bee explains.

"Well we...Urgh.....just have to keep searching for it. Let's go check on Madilyn." The voice says as they start to move to the door. The doors opens and out walks a tall slim man. He has dirty brown hair that is cut short. He has deep green eyes with specks of brown in them. He smiles at me with this crocked smile.

"Oh! Madilyn your awake! How are you feeling?" He questions.

"Fine. Well sore, but ok." I tell him.

"Ok. Let's do some test to see if you broke anything. I don't think you did because Tyson was able to get a blanket of Darkness on the the wall before you hit it. It helped a lot because I think if he didn't get it there in time you would have a shattered back because that was a strong force of light." He explains while being over a thing of water.

"What's that for. Don't you do x-rays?" I question.

"Oh honey. No. We don't have.....those..... those ex razes. We use our Elements to heal and to check if we are hurt or something like that." Says Queen Bee, who was standing quietly by the bed. The guy brings over the bucket of Water and makes me sit up and put my back to him.

"Now we are going to lift up your shirt and I am going to poor water on it. This is special water. It will project a screen and we will see what's going on in you." He explains to me. "Now hold still." I do as he tells me and the cool water starts to run down my back. I let out a sigh and the Queen laughs at me. But her laughter is quickly cut of by the doctors confusion noises.

"That's....weird...." he trails of. I turn to see but he keeps me in place and I'm stuck at looking at a pillow.

"As I keep pouring the water down your back the image gets clearer and clearer. And it seem there is something blocking what I want to look at. It isn't bone or any other body organs. It isn't even water. It looks silver and it's thick. It is also stuck to your body. I don't think I can get it out." He explains to me.

"That's strange." Says Queen Bee.

"Yes indeed it is. Well," he stops pouring the water down my back and I turn around to look at him. "You're just going to have to stay here until lunch. You should be good by then but just get some rest and I'll be back to check on you." With that he moves the water away and goes back to his office.

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