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My whole body lurches forward from the comfy bed that I was sleeping on, only to bonk heads with another person standing right above me.

I move away and gingerly rub the spot that we connected heads. I then look up to see Jayden also rubbing his forehead. But once he feels my gaze he instantly stops rubbing his head, quickly looks at me, and dashes over to inspect me for any injuries.

"Wait." I say as he is looking at my head, where I accidentally bumped him.

He looks at me with questioning eyes and moves his hands away from my head. A cold loneliness washes over the spot where his hands were, but I push it away and ask my question.

"How did I get to my room?" I ask as I my gaze travels over the furniture in my room. From the window seat to the blue couch to the single chair. And beside the wall my desk with cluttered papers. The single door that leads to the bathroom and the double doors that lead to the hallway. Then the dressers that I want moved out of my room, because I don't need that much space for clothes. Only the closet that is through the only other pair of double doors. Lastly the canapé bed that I have been sleeping in, the nightstands beside it, and the bookshelf that runs along the walls beside my bed.

My gaze then lands on Jayden, who is still fully dressed in some jeans and a red hoodie that has black flames on the bottom and the back says 'FIRE FOR LIFE' in big black letters.

He sighs before speaking. "You fell asleep in my arms when we were hugging in the room. I don't know how you did that, but you did." He chuckles at that. "But I then was forced to pick you up and bring you back here so you can rest from your eventful day. So when I laid you down, I went to the couch and decided to catch some sleep too. But I was awoken by some terrified screams. They came from you, Madilyn." He says looking at me and sitting on the bed. "They sounded like someone was torturing you. I tried to shake you and do everything to get you up, but you wouldn't wake. I thought about putting a little fire on you but it was my last resort. And after listening to your dying screams, I couldn't handle it and as I was about to set a little fire to your wrist, you woke up and our heads clashed together." He tells me.

As he said the part of about to put fire to my wrist, I instinctively look down to my wrist and find no burns. He must have noticed this little action because, he lets out a low chuckle.

"I didn't burn you Madilyn." He looks at me. "I would never." He whispers a little after.

"Oh, ok." I say, embarrassed that I thought he would burn me.

"Don't be embarrassed." He reassures me by touching my shoulder.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I quickly look down at my blue bed sheets. He then grabs my chin gently and makes me meet his kind orange eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out of his mouth and he just looks like a goldfish.

I let out a little giggle at his goldfish face and he gives me a 'really?' look by tilting his head, crossing his arms across his chest and giving me a glare.

"Don't laugh." He tells me and continues to glare at me.

"But your face looked like a goldfish and they are so cute!!" I squeal as I remember having a pet goldfish when I was younger.

He was the brightest orange I could find and he  loved to swim laps around his fish tank. I got him when I was about five or six and the name I gave him was Sunset.

"You looked like Sunset." I tell him before my mind can realize I'm saying anything.

He gives me the weirdest look. "Who's Sunset?" He asks me.

"My goldfish!!" I tells him. "But he died a few years ago." I say remembering how sad I was to say goodbye to Sunset. My parents offered to by me another one, but I refused to let another goldfish take over the place in my heart Sunset had.

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