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I can't speak. My throat is dry and Jayden has that look in his eye that is saying, speak!!!

"Huh........" Is all I can muster.

"Madilyn, are you ok with this info?" Jayden asks.

"Ya. It's just why didn't my mother tell me?" I ask starting to tear up. "She was the only one like me among the humans and she didn't tell me. Why is she even a mother!!" I scream.

"Hey! Don't get worked up. You love her." Jayden reassures me.

"Nooo!!!" I scream at him while throwing a pillow at the wall. It misses terribly but whatever.

"How's the Mad Dog doin' in here?" Aaron says while entering the door with Winter not far behind. I give him the best glare I can muster.

"A, this might not be the best time." Jayden says to Aaron who looks like he is about to disobey.

"She's fine. She just needs an Aaron in her life." He jokes.

"Get out!!" I scream, throwing another pillow. This time at him. He catches it and says, "10 points for The Mad Dog!!!"

"Madi, what's wrong?" Winter asks in a innocent voice. She walks to the side of the bed, grabs the tray of food, brings it to the desk, and walks back for the bed and sits down.

"Her mother." Jayden's butts in before I can say anything. "She was an Elemental and never told Madi. She's mad right now."

"I am not!!" I yell at him, throwing another pillow at him. He caught it of course.

"20 points!!!" Aaron yells from a chair that I didn't know I had in my room. We all glare at him and he glares back but ends up cracking up and we just ignore him.

"Hey don't ignore meeeee!!!!" He yells at us. We still do.

"Waaa!! Guys. Aren't we friends??? He asks sliding of the chair like a five year old.

"Dude, shut up!" Jayden tells him while throwing a pillow at him.

"Oh it's on!!" Aaron yells, throwing a pillow at Jayden. Jayden gets another pillow from behind me and chucks it at Aaron. They continue throwing until suddenly I have an urge to throw something to. I stand up ignoring my rib. I grab a pillow and throw it as hard as I can. It hits Jayden strait in the back of the head. He doesn't expects it, and he trips over the soft baby blue carpet at the foot of my bed, I didn't know was there. He lands face first into the carpet.

Winter laughs hysterically.

"Ow." He says flatly. "Aaron you gunna get it now!!!" He yells into the carpet while flailing his arms around. He doesn't make an effort to get up yet.

"T-that wasn't me-e." Stutters Aaron looking terrified. He puts his hands up while dropping the pillow.

"You gunna get it!" He whisper-yells to me.

"Oh I know it was you!!" Jayden yells into the carpet. "You know Madilyn. This is an awesome carpet."


"Get up Jay. We need to continue!!" Winter says still laughing while trying to lift him up. It looks like he is making himself heavy on purpose. "Get up!!!!!!" We all try to lift Jayden up. We give up and secretly communicate that we are going to drop him on the count of three.

We start to count silently.

"1." We mouth.

"2." We whisper.

"3!" We yell.

We drop him onto the carpet. He screams like a baby on his trip to the floor.

"You know we have school tomorrow? Right?" He asks.

Elements-PausedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora