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This stupid boy better be out here, waiting for me, or I'm going to beat him! I chant to myself as I make my way out of the gates that enclose Wasten.

As I round the gate, I see a familiar fluff of black hair bobbing up and down on the spot.

"Thank you!" I shout at it, catching the fluff's attention and making it turn to me. "For waiting for me. It was quite rude to leave me alone, and trying to call for you as you run away with your extremely long legs can be a burden on my lungs."

He gives me a knowing smirk. "Always for you, Lyn. Always for you."

I glare daggers at him just as I reach his stopped body. "Look what I found." I say, holding up the vile of clear liquid.

He snatches the bottle from my grasp and examines it close to his face. "Where'd you find it?" He questions me, still looking at the liquid.

"In the river. It was floating down and I caught it through my peripheral vision." I explain to him.

"It looks like water." He states the obvious.

"Well of course it looks like water!" I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"But it probably isn't. For whoever used it could have disguised it to look like water to trick." His eyes wide.

I consider this and think that maybe Tyson Blacks isn't a stupid person.

"It could be something as complicated as a immortal serum or as simple as poison." He continues. "But by the looks of it, it doesn't look like any positions. No bubbles. No weird leads to disguise the sent. Nothing. But the person who made this could be a genius devil and it could be something like poison but amplified."

My brain hurts just from listening to this guy talk about poison and other remedies that could possible only fill up just barely the bottom of the bottle that is still super close to his face.

"So...." I drag out. "What are you thinking?"

"Just keep this for now but don't drink it or anything. It could possibly kill you." He instructs and gives the vile to me.


"Now let's get you back. The suns already set and I don't want to get you in trouble or anything."

"You know I don't have parents right?" I ask, chocking a little on the word 'parents'.

"It's ok. A lot of children live in different households or if they are old enough they stay in the castle." He explains.

"That makes sense why I see a lot of kids just running around without any parents or sitting alone in the dinning hall." I say, remembering all the kids sitting at the table alone or with other kids but no adults around.

"But let's get back now." He says, slinging his arm over my shoulder, making me stumble just a little bit but with him being there he's able to catch me before I smash my face into some beautiful concrete.

"Ok. Let's go."


Flopping down on my bed, exhausted after climbing the long stairs to the hallway, I finally can rest for the day.

But your homework won't let you. My stupid subconscious reminds me.

"Screw you!" I shout out at it. I sit up from my bed and make my way over to the looming desk awaiting my arrival to torture me with knowledge.

I stand in front of it, crossing my arms over my chest and give the dark desk my best glare and with my most threatening voice I say to it, "What do you want?" But it does t move.

The friggen desk doesn't move.

"Who do you think you are?!" I shout at it, taking a step towards it. "Tell me! Who do you think you are to just sit there and look at me like that!"

It doesn't answer me.

"You know! I'm going to not do my homework just to prove that you are worthless!" And with that I turn my back to a desk and flop back down on my bed.

I seriously just did that. How stupid am I?

My head rolls to the side to catch the glimpse of a red object.

Oh no!

I shoot up from my bed and pick up the gem that was supposed to be in a secure place but has only been on my nightstand for the last few nights.

How could I be so stupid to leave this out? I question my stupidity. I need to hide this. But where? I scan my room.

"I guess maybe my drawer will have to do." I move towards my nightstand and kneel down in front of it, putting the gem in after opening the bottom one.

I then, again, go and lay down on my comfy bed only to have something jab into my side.

"What could possibly disturb me for the third time in a row?!" I yell, quite angry now, pulling out the object to reveal the vile that I found in the river. A slim smile appears on my face. "Oh. You. Ok." Is all I say as I put the vile into the drawer with the gem.

Let's get to sleep. I say to myself, getting under the comfy covers after changing from my dirty uniform that I was wearing in Wasten.

I put my heavy head to the pillow and instantly, darkness took over.


Sweat drips down my face.

Everything feels cold, chilling my body with it's ice hands.

My hands are clasped against something hard and it digs into my back.

"You know, Madilyn. You could never hide this precious thing from me. It will always be in my possession along with it's friends." The Dark says from my nightstand drawer, holding the gem that I just put into there, in his medieval claw.

My eyes widen at the fiery gem in his hand as he wiggles it in front of my face. "How'd you get that?" I ask, trying to mask my surprise.

"Oh, honey! You really think that you could hide this gem from me. You know I'll always get everything to make me the most powerful Elemental in the world!" He cackles then his slit eyes focus on me. "But now it's time for you to die."

He starts his slow journey to me, taking each step carefully like somethings going to happen but knows that I can't do anything.

Then suddenly a blade shoots out of his hand and sticks into my bed frame right beside my head.

I let out a small scream, trying to not let him have the satisfaction of me being scared.

Then another comes even closer before and soon more and more come, then one is coming straight for my face.

I turn my head to the side and after a few seconds of waiting in silence and nothing competing towards me, I turn my head again to see The Darks face right in front of mine.

All I do is scream.


My eyes shoot open and my mouth is patched form screaming. My back hurts and I'm sitting against something very uncomfortable.

My eyes soon adjust to the darkness and are met with some very familiar ones. They widen at the sight of his eyes.


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