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I struggle out of the hold that The Dark put me in and finally, after hours of struggling, I manage to get one hand out.

He seriously put me in a strong hold.

Hours later, I manage to squeeze my body out and by the time that happens, the sun has started to peek through my window.

Instead of going to the academy, I decide to stay at the castle and relax from that encounter.

But what if he comes back? My subconscious reminds me which gets me zooming around my room, collecting my uniform and getting ready for school.


The days after the encounter with The Dark and him taking the thing Winter specifically told me to kelp hidden, nothing happened. He didn't come back but I still lasted awake each night waiting for him to come back, and each morning I'd wake up to my alarm clock. I never new I ever fell asleep.

Now it's the next day, Friday, and I'm walking outside for something related to gym. I can't even remember most of my schedule. That's Tyson and Winters job.

I also haven't told anyone about the encounter, or Winter about the missing gem. I have an idea on what to do but I don't need them getting in the way of my plan. Also this man is after me and not them. I came into their world and it feels like I forced them into this and I don't want to do that with them. All my friends don't deserve to have near death experiences. I don't know how long this guy has been a threat, but I don't think that long as the Queen doesn't know who he is and it seems like Elementa has been a nice civilization going on and I came in, bringing The Dark along, ruining their lives.

I don't want to do that anymore.

My muscles are tight, I'm exhausted from the lack of sleep and my mind is elsewhere on bigger things than school.

Just get through the day and then you can start your plan. I encourage myself while I walk to the big group collected around Tejin for what I now know as combat training.

"Ok today we will be working with the bow and arrows, practicing your aiming skills. After doing our warmup, you will grab a bow and a couple of arrows, find a partner and go to a target to try on your own. I'll be coming around to observe your skills." Tejin explains and dismissed us to the track to run three long laps.

I start running, lost in my thoughts, thinking about The Dark and stopping him, along with my plan. Just thinking about The Dark brings my blood to a boil and makes my legs go faster. I soon look around to see me on my second lap and the other students still halfway through the giant field. I don't think much of it till I'm running past them to finish my second lap. And I'm not even tired.

Without even realizing, I'm done my third lap and the others are just about to finish their second and starting their third.

"Evans." Tejin class me. I turn around to his slimmer built walking towards me. "Are you done with the warmup?" He asks.

"Yes." I simply reply.

"Get some arrows and a bow and choose a target to start practice. Someone will join when they are done." He tells me, referring to the rest of the class still running.

I grab one of the bows, a couple of arrows and walk over to a target standing on the dew covered grass.

I have never in my life picked up a bow and arrow in my life and I was nervous for the first shot.

I aline my arrow to the bow string, slowly pull back the string, but the arrow falls out.

"Have a steady hand. Pull faster on the string and have a firm grip." Tejin's voice comes from behind me and I feel his presence right behind me and I can just sense the grim expression on his face.

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