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"Thanks for doing this." I say to Winter as we walk down a gravel path towards an entrance.

"Don't thank me. I needed to get away from my siblings for a little bit too." She laughs as the gravel crunches under our steps. We reach an entrance and Winter stops. The entrance is a huge stone arch with water falling on both sides into big ponds. Dark blue gates stand, separating us from the inside.

"Sorry but I can't go in because I'm not a Water." She says.

"Oh really?" I question turning my back to the beautiful arch. "Why not?"

"Well because Wasten is where Waters live. Mostly pure Waters. Winzon is where I can visit." She explains.

"Oh. Well I'm not going to go yet because I want to spend the time we have with you." I tell Winter. "I'll go with another Water."

"Aww. Thanks. You are so sweet. Let's go down past Wasten and the others." Winter says.

"Ok. Let's go." I say following her. We walk back down the gravel path. We then stop and Winter grabs my hand.

"Hold on to my hand." She instructs me. I feel the wind and light come over us and wisk us away.

"Hello again." A velvet voice says.

"Hello." I say. I have become aware of the Light and Wind talking to me whenever I travel places with them. We soon are placed gently side by side on some grass. Winter immediately turns to me.

"How the heck can you talk to the Wind?" She accuses me.

"I don't know. They always talk to me first." I tell her.

"Wait, they?" She asks obviously confused.

"Yeah....Wind and Light." I tell her. "You can't hear them?"

"Well I could hear only the Wind and you. That's not normal." She says with a hint of jealousy in her voice. I don't ask her about it and turn my eyes to the view in front of us.

"Woah." I say breathlessly. There is a field of grass leading to a small cliff that goes out to water. Winter seems to forget about her jealously moment and turns to look at it.

"I know. The Queen doesn't allow many people out hear because they can ask the Wind and Light to take them to the Elementless world, but she allows some. I am one of those people." Winter proudly says. "And she allowed me to show it to you."

"This is so cool. You can see the ocean from here." I state the obvious.

"Yes. Do you want to sit?" She asks.

"Sure." I say plopping myself on the soft green grass. I lay down with my black hair fanning out above my head. Winter sits down and lays down next to me. Her white dress fans out from her body and her white hair lays on the grass carefully like it doesn't want to hurt the grass.

"You hair and eyes are unique here." Winter says out of nowhere after a peaceful silence.

"How so?" I curiously ask looking at the shapes in the perfect clouds.

"Well from the time anyone can remember Darks and Waters haven't always gotten along. No one really knows why but it's just a quarrel that has been going on for a long time. But they have never interacted. Your eyes and hair are a resemblance of a secret relationship with a Water and a Dark." She says.

"That's interesting." I say sitting up on my elbows, looking out over the ocean.

"It is." Winter agrees doing the same as me.

"Have you noticed how Tyson pulls his bangs in front of his eyes?" I ask tearing my eyes away from the amazing ocean to look at her.

"Tyson? No I haven't. Why do you even care about him?" She asks with a hint of accusation in her voice. She turns her head slightly to meet my eyes.

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