
23 8 2

"Have to what?" I ask her, surprise taking over my face and my tone.

"For them to work, they have to be together and united into the Stone." She says.

"Stone?" I asks, super confused at the terms she's using.

"The place at the highest mountain." She explains, lost in a trance. "There should be a flat surface with glowing rocks all around. The stone with me in the middle, shaped like a gem. Whoever puts all the gems in the stone will have the power of the elements. These gems have been the cause of a war between powerful Elementals.

"But this thing already already told me something." I tell her.

"Oh! They all get one message to the new person who has possession of it." She tells me than seams to realize something. "What did it say?"

"It said to 'find the rest'." I tell her, putting air quotes around the message.

She studies the gem, still placed in my hand, with gentle eyes, like the wait of her gaze with make the whole gem collapse into millions of different peaces.

Then she turns her gentle gaze to me. "Hide it." She says. "Somewhere if someone were to come into this room and rip it to shreds, they still wouldn't find it." She explains. "But you should be leaving. I left my room to get food, but never got around to that!" She laughs and starts to inch closer to the door as do I. "And we have school tomorrow so I need as much rest as possible!" She shouts and starts jogging down the hallway. I can faintly hear her from a little down the stairs yell a 'Bye!'.

I laugh at her sudden change from her serious to her goofy side. Then I walk to my room, grab the keys, open the door and slip inside.

I look around my not so cluttered room for a hiding spot. I try to imagine what it would look like stripped of everything in the room. Then I look to the painting on the wall and something comes to mind.

Those movies with the secret passage behind the painting!! I think to myself and run over to the painting. I try and move the stubborn painting.

"How weak am I?!" I question as I finally get the painting of the wall and slowly lower it to the ground, letting it rest against the wall. But when I look at the wall, all I see is the little nail sticking out the wall to hang the painting.


I let the painting lean against the wall and move towards my closet. In the closest, clothes scattered everywhere, I look for a place to hide the gem. I notice a little box in the middle of the room that I've never seen before and didn't put there.

I walk to the tiny black box, grab it and examine. A small black bow sits on top of the lid. My hands move on their own and slowly lift the lid up.

A crisp white paper meets my eyes.

Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen from this folded paper.

I grab it, dropping the box, and letting my curious side take the best of me, allowing me to open the paper.

What meets my eyes is not what I expect.

A message, in small fancy writing covers the entire page. I look closely at the writing, trying to make out the curly letters. But non of them stick out.

I shake my head and walk back out from the closet towards my bed. I drop the note and the wrapped gem on my nightstand then continue with my nightly routine.


The walls start to shrink.

The space starts to close in.

I can't seem to get any air into my system.

I look around for an escape, but nothing appears. I'm only in a square box room. All the walls are the same shade, a bright hospital white that blinds you.

I press my hands onto the incoming wall, trying to at least stop it from moving in on me and crushing me to death.

"That won't do anything!" A familiar deadly voice cackles.

My eyes widen at who I'm with.

My eyes scan the entire small room which wouldn't be classified as a room anymore.

"You won't find me anywhere, Little Madilyn!" His sinister voice sneers.

But I don't focus on his words anymore and only on the moving wall again.

"Why don't you just give me the gems!" He continues that catches my attention, making me stop pushing on the wall. "And I'll let you free!"

Before I can even say anything, my own voice rings out through the room.

"I will never give you the gems!" My voice shouts through out the room.

"Oh but then I'll let you get crushed by these walls!" He threatens.

"Do whatever you want! I'll never give up the gems for your sick schemes!"

"Then I guess you'll have no choice but to suffer for everyone else and your selfish ways." And with that, the walls close in further.


"And I would like you to-Evans?" I snap out of my trance at the sound of Finnz' voice coming through my ears and staying instead of going strait out the other one.

"Yes?" I ask, looking up at him just as he drops something made of water that he was teaching me.

"What did I just say?" He asks me, examining my face as it changes and my eyes widen. Then a smirk takes over his face. "Of course you won't know! You seem to have something on your mind, what is it? You know you can tell me anything. I'm always here for the students." He tells me

I look at him, confused as to why he wasn't giving me detention for not paying attention in his class like in any of my other classes.

"Well," I start hesitantly, but when he nods, I continue. "I had a nightmare last night." I tell him slowly as he nods his head. "It was of this guy who was trying to squish me in this box of a room. He was asking-for...something. But I didn't answer, my voice did from a different part of the nightmare that couldn't see." I explain, not wanting to say gem.

"Mhhh....well I think it might just be a nightmare but if it really does bother you then just try and think happy thoughts when you are going to sleep." He smiles as he looks of into the distance. "My mum told me that once." His smiles grows bigger at the memory then fades and looks at me. "Sorry."

"It's ok." I tell him as he moves farther away. "Let's just gets back to the lesson." I suggest.

He nods and starts forming a water droplet. He swirls it around, creating multiple at a time, holding them all with one hand. "I would like you to try and hold multiple at a time. Could you do that?"

"I could try." I reply back to him with a smile playing across my face.


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And didn't really know how to end this chapter but this is what I got!

See you next Monday!!

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