
44 7 3

Oh wow.

A whole twenty chapters in. I can't wait for the rest. I have big plans and can't wait for them.

I should probably stop typing this and start on the story. Hehe! 😉




My feet lightly touch the ground of the gravel path leading up to the Academy. Students touch down in the same path by the Wind and Light and flow past me to the doors. I didn't come with Jayden or anyone because I want to be alone. I don't even want to see him.

I walk through the doors cautiously and when no alarm goes off I let out a breath I never new I was holding. The day hasn't started and I see students running to grab a table to sit with their friends. Instead of sitting I start to climb the stairs to go to the Deans office to get my locker number, lock and schedule.

After climbing to many stairs and having people give me looks, I have finally made it to the top office. I knock quietly and a male voice answers.

"Come in." They say. His voice is rather high and as I walk in I am met by glowing yellow eyes and his chestnut brown hair is out of control, going down to his shoulders. He is wearing a light yellow robe that is outlined in light crystals. He gives me a warm smile that I can't help but return. "What brings you here to the Principles office on Monday morning?" He asks politely.

"Well. As you see, I don't have my locker or my schedule yet." I say.

"Ahh....Madilyn Evans. Coming right up." He laughs. He moves from the large window to a shelf along one of the curved walls.

As he was looking a question came to the front of my mind. "May I ask? Why is it that you are referring to this office as 'The Principles Office', when students say 'Dean'?" I ask genuinely curious.

I can here him smile as he finally grabs a paper he was looking for. "Well, we actually refer to this office as 'The Headmasters Office', and if a male is in the position, they are referred to, Principle. But if a female is in the position, they are a Dean. It is confusing, but you get used to it." He smiles widely. He hands me a piece of paper with my name on it and two schedules, along with a locker number and a lock code.

"May I also ask? What should I call you?" I look up at him. He is still smiling and it grows bigger.

"Principle Hugo. And your lock should already be on your locker. I knew you where going to ask that question."

I look up at him and give him a shy smile. "Thanks." I say and start to walk out.

"Madilyn?" He calls my name. I turn to see him still standing in the same spot with his hands folded behind him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You are always welcome here." He kindly says and waves me off. I nod my head before leaving and continuing down the stairs to the third floor of this building.

Once I make it I look for my locker. F-27.

That's funny. That's my birthday number. I think to myself, amused.

Once I reach to the Year 4 floor, I start looking for the number. I have gone down two hallways and they have all been higher than my number.

It's should be closer to the other stairwell. I think to myself as I continue down to the end of the hallway.

Elements-PausedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ