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I stare at him blankly.

Hoe does he know??? I question myself. Did he do this??

"You did this didn't you!" I acuse him. He looks taken aback at my sudden out burst.

"No. I did not. I just found her when I came in here earlier. I haven't said anything to anyone because it would be chaos with the Waters and Dean Huckle, a Dark, dying. So I think you, Jayden and I should keep our mouths shut. Say Dean Huckle is ill for now. Welter or Injie can take over for now."

"N-" I start to protest but he quickly cuts me off.

"One day I will be King and you listen to what I say. Because I can sentenced you to death." He orders me while looking deathly at me.

I stare at him shocked. He stares at me for what feel like eternity and I get uncomfortable so I decide to speak.

"Well that's a little excessive." I tell him. It only angers him more and soon he grabs me and slams me on Dean Huckles desk.

"Art!! What are you-stooop!!" I interrupt myself because he keeps slamming me on the desk. Papers are flying everywhere and Dean Huckles belongings fall to the floor. She has a lamp on her desk and that falls in my face. It doesn't do to much but enough to make me scream.

"Owwww!!!" I scream in agony.

"Art, get off her!" Jayden orders. Art turns to see Jayden, obviously forgetting he was in the room and watching this whole thing.

"She deserves this. She keeps stepping out of line and someone has to teach her!" Art informs Jayden. Jayden just gets more angry and starts to yell.

"She just got here yesterday and has been attacked twice now! She is still learning and she won't be perfect! Nobody is! It's time you learn that Art! And Madilyn will step out of line and now it's acceptable and soon it won't, but now she just got here and give her a rest ok Art. Also you are a Light and Queen Bee's son. You have to learn some self control!!!" Jayden yells heating up. He looks like he is going to explode. He storms out the room slamming the door closed. It just pops back open by the force.

"He wishes he was me." Art turns to me. He looks into my eyes weirdly. I step back but that just makes him step closer.

"Art. Don't hurt me." I plead.

"Well, then stop stepping out of line!" He orders as he steps closer. I keep stepping back until my back is against a bookshelf. I bump into it so hard the bookshelf I have bumped into starts to tip. Art steps back smirking. I am frozen to even move. I realize to late, I start to run away but something pushes me back. I see Art pushing light against me, keeping me in the zone of the falling bookshelf. All I can think to do is duck. I wrap my arms around myself in terror.

"Get out from there!!" A deep voice yells to me a second later. I look up and see a boy wearing the Year 4 uniform. He has slick black hair with bangs that fall over his black eyes that have a hint of blue to them. He has freckles splattered on his face like confetti. He has a deep scar across his left eyebrow that makes him look dangerous and daring. He has one hand pointed at me and the other at Art, covering him in a shield of black.

He must be a Dark. I think to myself. Using the term Art said.

I look up to see the boy holding the bookshelf with darkness.

"For goodness sake get the hell outa there!" He yells to me. I scramble my way to his side and he turns both his hands to Art.

"Don't do anything to her and I'll let you go!" He shouts to Art.

"No! When I'm free, instead of punishing her I'll punish you by executing you for keeping me hostage!!" Art shouts. His shouts are a little muffled because of the darkness shield. He doesn't even try to break out of the shield. He looks way to confident.

"I thought we don't do that anymore!!" The boy shouts back to Art.

"Well, when I am King I'll make sure it's back in place!!" Art shouts.

"Well right now you're not King!! Queen Bee took the execution away because it was happening to much with her father!! So you can't execute me because you're not king!!" The boy shouts, his hair wildly flapping around. Art seems at a loss for words. Instead of firing an insult back he slumps to the floor, while the shield shrinks closer to him and thickens up. Art wraps his arms around himself and closes his eyes. I was just thinking he had passed out or given up when something explodes. A bright light blinds me and I am sent flying back towards the door along with bangs boy. He smashes into the frame, when I go through the door.

"Madilyn!!" I hear someone calling my name but can't figure out who. I fly down the hall and suddenly smash into stone.

"Argh!" I grunt and blood shoots from my mouth and nose. I fall down onto the stairs below me. I tumble all the way to the bottom and about to black out. But before I have a chance to fall into unconsciousness I see those orange eyes staring back at me, concerned.


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