Chapter 22

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"HEY!" I shouted out the hole in the wooden board. I'm pretty sure the person in the vehicle can't even hear me.

I stuck out the crowbar and hit the bars with it. The clanging noise was pretty loud but I needed this person to hear me. "HELP!! SOMEBODY PLEASE!" I screamed with every bone in my body.

The lights turned off and I could hear an engine. The door opened and slammed then I could hear footsteps approaching the window. I stepped back and glanced up to see the two officers from earlier. I thank the Lord himself and had tears of joy coming out of my eyes.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" One of the officers asked me. I nodded and threw the crowbar to the side. "Yes! Please just get us out of here!"

"Just calm down sweetie." The other one said. He flashed his light in my face, causing me to shield my eyes.

"Alright now. We're gonna get you three out of there." The officer assured us. I nodded and he walked away from the window. I heard a radio go off and the officer came back. 

"Can we see that crowbar you had?"

"Sure." I picked up the bar and gave it to the officer. He hit the bars a few times until a piece had broken off. I was hugging Alex and Crissy, telling them this was our chance. The officer started hitting the boards and broke it down so we all could fit-out of the hole.

I went first and as they pulled me out, my mind started to actually think...

I never told them I had a crowbar...

And I never told him my sisters were with me...

Once I got onto my feet, I turned around and got a nasty blow to my jaw. I flew back and I heard my sisters scream. Blood dripped from my lip as I tried to stand up. Someone grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up. The officer had his light in my face so I couldn't see him. "Get the others." He told his partner.

I screamed as he pulled me around the house and back up the steps. He threw me onto the ground and I didn't even bother to look up. Charles's feet appeared in front of me and I just looked down and cried. "Oh, don't cry now. You did all of this to yourself."

I let the tears fall as he crouched down to my level. "She was trying to escape sir." I heard the officer say. So they weren't real police officers? What type of twisted town are we in?

It's like everyone here knows him or they are all connected in some sort...

"And the sisters?"

"He's bringing them around now."

"Tell him to put them in the room upstairs. I'll take care of this one."

The man left and as soon as the door shut, he didn't hesitate to grab me by my arm to meet his gaze. He glared at me with those sinister eyes. I just let my tears fall, feeling hopeless about this whole entire thing.

"I do nothing but treat you, girls, with respect and this is what I get in return?

Now someone has to die because of your foolish actions."

My blood ran cold when he said the word 'die'. Who would have to die? Would it be me? Or maybe one of my sisters? I don't want to die at all.

"P-please don't k-kill me!" I sobbed. I just kept apologizing until he smirked at my cries and let me go. "Your not the one dying." He snapped his fingers and one of the officers brought someone from the back. Their hands were tied up behind their back and they had a bag over their head.

They sat this person in a chair and snatched the bag off their head. My eyes went wide as I realized it was the waitress from earlier today.

She looked frantic. Her hair was a mess and her light eyeliner was smudged all over her face. She looked as if she had been crying all day. Her mouth was covered with a black tie and she trying to speak.

Charles got behind me and put his lips up to my ear. "See here Kat? This woman has to die because of you." He put a gun into my hands and made me aim at her. The woman started to shake her head, telling me not to shoot her. "But I'm not going to do it, you are."

"No..." More tears fell as she began to cry with me. "I..cant."

"You can and you will!" He yelled into my ear and then I saw Alex being held by the other man. He brought her into the living room with us and stood her in the middle.

"Either you kill her..." He pointed to the waitress. "Or I let my men have fun with her." He then pointed over to Alex. She started shaking as the men ripped her dress apart. She cried out as I aimed for the men. Suddenly, a gun appeared next to my head.

"Make a decision Kat," Charles said, holding me at gunpoint. I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to the lady and shot her in the side. Even though her screams were muffled, she still did it.

I dropped the gun and ran to Alex, taking off my shirt and giving it to her. I brushed her upstairs and a heard another gun go off. I turned back to the woman and she had a bullet hole in her head.

I could feel my stomach turning as she just bled out and the men took her body away. I tried to go upstairs but a grasp on my arm pulled me back. "And where do you think you're going?" Charles said, a hungry look on his face.

He put me in the middle of the floor and sat back on the couch. "You're gonna treat me. Strip."

I just stood there until he walked up to me and slapped me. "I said strip."

I cried as I removed my pants and just hugged myself. I felt like trash, exposed to these filthy men and their crazy fucking egos. He put on a slow song and told me to dance. I slowly moved to the beat, sobbing to myself as they watched me.

One of the fake officers pulled me to him and made me grind on his lap. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Charles glaring at me and it made me even more scared. I got off the man and Charles signaled me to him.

Once I sat on his lap, I felt a pain in my side. He was pinching me hard, making me wince at the pain. "If I ever catch you in another man's lap like that, I will kill you. You belong to me and me only."

He let me go and rubbed his hands up and down my thighs. This continues for a few hours until he told his men to leave the place. He then led me upstairs and told me to really strip down so I could take my punishment for trying to escape again.

This time, he tied my hands up behind my back and put me on my stomach. The same clanging sound from his belt happened again and as before he inserted himself into me with no care in the world.

I just laid there, dead to the world. I had no more room left to cry or sob. I let him take my body again as if it were just a piece of meat. I felt nothing like everything I had inside of me was gone.

He noticed my silence and leaned down to my ear, "Your learning. Good girl." He whispered.

Once he finished, he just laid down and fell asleep. I just laid there, unsure of what to do. No matter what we do we can't leave. So there's only one thing left to do...

Become what he wants...

A fine young lady.


G.E.M out!

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