Chapter 25

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Day six

I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't since now I know there is a dead body in the basement. It's all I think about and if I might end up like her. I got up out of bed and made my way to my sisters' room.

Their room was showered with pink and white decorations and accessories. Two twin beds stood on both sides of the room as I saw my sisters were fast asleep. I kissed both of their foreheads and quietly shut the door. Once I turned around, the maid from yesterday was standing right there.

I jumped and gasped," Jesus! You scared me." She had no expression on her face, it was just plain as day. "I'm sorry Ms. Kathy. Master Charles wants you in the living room at once. He says it's very important and he doesn't want to be kept waiting." She stepped to the side and her small arm went out, showing me the way. I followed and felt a lump in my throat. Could he want to talk about last night? What if I end up like Lora?

Questions kept filling up my skull as the maid opened the doors to the living room. It was very cozy and warm with a fireplace in the center and three big comfy couches. He stood off to the side, holding a book in his hand. I stepped inside and I heard the doors close behind me. Every bone in my body just wanted to turn around and beat on the door, begging for someone to free me from this nightmare. I stood there as he put the book back and turned around.

His grey shirt hugged his frame perfectly as his black slacks were looking pretty tight. His face, however, had the expression of anger. My fingernails dug into the palm of my hand as he got closer to me. I started to sweat and shake a little since his steps were slow but he knew what he was doing. My eye darted down as his feet appeared in front of mine. I swallowed hard and felt his fingers under my chin, lifting my head up to meet his gaze. "Why did you go down there?" He said in a soft tone. "I-I...." Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to give him an answer.

"I was curious and heard a noise coming from the basement. Plus you weren't next to me." I said, trying to hold back the tears. He stroked my cheek with his thumb and kissed my forehead. "I was lonely." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed the top of my head. More tears flowed as he held me. I looked over and noticed something in the bookshelf. A piece a paper stuck out of one of the books.

I let him go and he kissed me, "I'm sorry but you cannot go into the basement any more honey. It's dangerous. Now I'll go see if breakfast is ready for you and the girls." He walked out of the living room and closed the doors behind him. I wiped my face and went to the piece of paper.

I grabbed the book and opened it. The piece of paper was folded up and looked a bit old. I opened it and saw the writing inside.

It said:

If you found this note, either you are in the same position or I'm already dead.
Favorite book, page 26, paragraph 6

The rest of the note was just letters with cutouts. I didnt understand what it meant but I slid it into my bra and put the book back. I left the living room and saw the maid standing by the stairs, watching me like a hawk. Chills went down my spine as I made my way to the dining hall. Charles wasn't there but my sisters were. I sat down with them and started to eat. Silence filled the table as we all ate. "Good morning girls," I said, trying to break the silence.

"Good morning Kat!" Chrissy said and Alex just sat there, not saying anything. "Alex, you ok?" I asked.

"Fine." I sighed and just continued to eat my food. Once everyone was finished, the girls played in the yard while I tried to figure out this stupid note. I heard the doorknob twist and I put the note into my dresser. Charles walked in and shut the door behind him. "Honey, next week I have this gala to attend and I want you there as my date."

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