Chapter 30

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Marko POV.

After telling Pops about everything that happened last night, we stayed at the station all night to put the points together. "So they were speaking in code and clearly 'dove' is a woman and the eagle is the leader." He said, pointing to the pictures.

"Oh so it was a code?" I scratched my head and Pops sighed. "Duh boy. Did you really think he got beat by a damn bird?"

"Sorta." What? We all have our slow moments. It just took me awhile to figure out the codes.

"Anyway, who would be their eagle? I thought these boys ran the streets and listened to no one." I leaned back in my father's chair and started to think. "Well look at it like this Pop." I stood up and went to the bullentin board. "If Jamal is the bait..." I pinned his picture to the bottom, "And his brothers are the ones who handle the girls..." I placed the brothers' photo above Jamal and connected a line to it. "And they give the bait to the 'Eagle' then it has to be someone who is higher in power and knows these boys too well."

"You lost me kid.."

"What can you tell me about the father?" I asked. Pops froze up like he just relived a bad memory. "I don't like speaking of him. It couldn't be him anyway, last time I checked, he was a big success in the medicine field." Now that I actually think about it, I've never seen his father nor his mother. "Well maybe we should still call to see if he knows anything?"

"Leave it alone Marko."


"I SAID LEAVE IT ALONE!" He slammed his fist down on the desk and walked out of the room. Pops never yelled at me like that unless something really bothered them. And it could either mean two things: He knows something and isn't telling me or he's involved...

I left his office and scanned the station for him. He must've left to go cool off. As I was walking to the exit, I bumped into someone and a bunch of files fell on the floor. "S-sorry." I got down on the floor to help. I picked up a few files and handed it back to the woman. "Thank you. Hey? Your the detective's boy ain't cha?"

"That's me. Marko." I helped her up and gave her the rest of the files. "Polly. Im your father's new secretary. He sure does work a lot."

Suddenly an idea clicked in my head. "Wait doesn't that mean you know where all the files are located?"

"Of course."

"Can you take me to them?"


"Here we are but be quick. I can lose my job from this." Polly sighed. I nodded and began looking through boxes of old cases. I didn't even know what to look for to be exact. I guess anything in this field.

"Is there a certain thing you need?" Polly asked while putting the files away. I rubbed my head and sighed," Got anything on kidnapping?"

"Hmmm, let's see." She ran her finger across the boxes and pulled one out. "Try this. It's all the kidnapping cases recently." In the box it only had 3 cases plus Kat's which made it 4. All the girls where different ages, shapes, forms, and had different personalities.

"What about on someone named Jamal Lockett?" She checked the racks and shook her no. "Nothing but I can double check if you like?"

"Please do. Thank you."

"No problem." She began looking through files and pulling down boxes. "So why do you these old files anyway?"

I smirked and checked a different box. "There's this girl who was kidnapped. And I want to find her, she means everything to me."

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