Chapter 34

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The drive was long and devastating. The trunk would get really hot and cramped from the lack of space. If we made any stops, the trunk would open, Natalia would throw us a candy bar and close it.

I didn't know what day it was or the time. I lost track again. It wasn't important as long as I got everything in order before Game Night.

All I know right now is the house will be filled with his men, coming to take a load off from working. And if I didn't have other things to worry about, Natalie was back in the picture. 

Not sure where he picked her up from but she's here now.

Charles would be wasted and it's harder to deal with him in his drunken state. I have to get him alone then strike. I cannot afford any mistakes from myself or the police.

I just pray Marko can get the force in order.

The trunk opened and I could tell it was the afternoon. "Jesus, you smell like roadkill." I felt my body being dragged from the trunk and onto the ground. Coldwater sprayed me like I was some type of animal. I shielded my face while they thought it was funny.

I couldn't wait until these bastards get what they deserve. Karma will be sweet as ever once we get away. The water stopped spraying me and switched to my sisters. I watched as Natalie laughed at my sisters squirm away and that's when I acted without thinking.

I charged at her and tackled her to the ground. I grabbed ahold of the hose and wrapped it around her neck, strangling her. "How do you like it huh?!" I screamed in her face.

Suddenly, something hit me in the back of my head and my vision faded. I could hear my sisters calling out to me and Natalia catching her breath before my eyes closed.


The back of my head ached as I opened my eyes up. It was the dead of night and the only way how I could tell is by the crickets singing their night songs when the sun goes away.

I groaned in pain and rubbed the back of my head. The sounds of the metal chains greeted me as I rolled my eyes.

Not this again...

I made out what I could in the darkroom and noticed I was back in the same dusty room when all of this horror started. Nothing had changed except the amount of dust from then. Unlike last time, I wasn't chained down to the bed, I could move a little bit but only to the middle of the floor. I had a feeling they wouldn't put Alex and Crissy with me but I was wrong when I heard coughing.

On the far right of the room, chains rustled and I heard a sneeze. "Alex? Crissy?"

"Kat?" They said in unison.

"Oh thank goodness your in here with me," I whispered. The floors creaked and cracked as someone was getting closer to us. I shushed my sisters and the door flew open.

Entering the room was Natalia and she closed the door behind her. She flicked on the light and the room was now dim.

"Back here again?" She said. "I missed seeing you like this. Chained down and helpless."

"I missed seeing Charles beat you half to death but all good things must come to an end," I replied.

Shouldn't have done it because her reply was a slap to the face. My cheek stung a bit as she stood there, feeling all high and mighty. "That's why you're in chains now missy. Because of that wretched little tongue of yours."

I heard some type of flick and she brought a knife up to my face. "Care if I make a few adjustments?" Even though I was scared, I didn't show it to her.

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