Chapter 33

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For the past few days, we acted as if we had no home training. The girls would talk back and I would vouch for them as their punching bag.

I would talk back to Charles and he would slap the living hell out of me but I accepted it and moved on. While we disobeyed him, I would lie and say it was the medication he was giving me.

As I would do that, the guards would pity me and I would drug them so I could leave. Hell, I even put a few pills in Charles' food from time to time.

While he would be in the bed knocked out, I would take my sisters and drive out to find another place or town, and to my surprise, nothing was here.

I went back into town and saw a familiar face I thought I would never see. I pulled into the diner and looked through the windows and there he was.


Tears fell from my eyes but I had to contain them. I quickly wrote a note and walked into the place. I pulled my hat down and purposely bumped into him. "Oh, I'm sorry miss."

"It's fine M..." I said as low as I could. He looked at me and his eyes went wide. I put my finger up to my lips and he sat down next to me. "You don't know how happy I am to see you.."

"I bet." The cook came out and nodded at me. "The usual." He went back into the back and I gave Marko the note. "Wait K-" Before he could say my name, I slammed my hand over his mouth. "The note. Follow it precisely if you want us to live."

He nodded and I took my hand away just as the cook came back with a bag. I grabbed it and walked out of the diner. I let the tears fall as he read the note:

Now before you make any harsh decisions, I need you to know that our lives are at stake here...Look at the window and nod.

He slowly turned around and nodded at me.

Now that we understand each other, I need you to grab as many police officers as you can. Turn your sirens off and drive as slow as you can. In a week, Game Night will begin so the house will be filled with his boys but we will take them out.

All the windows have bars on them but I can manage to get the back door open. I need you guys to be as quiet but quick as you can. All I need is 10 minutes and then you guys can move in.

Don't worry about me and the girls, just focus on not making any noise and circling the house.

Take the back roads that I've plotted out on the back of the note. It's so the crazy people of this town won't tell him.


Nod so I know you understand.

He turned around once again and nodded at me. I nodded back and got back into the car and sped off. I had a lot of preparations to set up, just for us to get back to the old shack.


Once I walked through the door, a nasty blow to the face greeted me. I fell to the floor and tasted blood on my tongue. I could hear him huffing and puffing above me as I tried to stand up.

He punched me again but this time it was in the mouth. I didn't cry, I had no tears to waste on him and he wasn't going to get it.

"Where the hell have you been? Huh?"

"Out. Minding my own business while you sleep all day." I rolled my eyes and stood up. Staring him in his eyes, I could tell he was angry.

He was never this angry though, yes it scared me but I had to do it. I had to get him riled up.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"You heard me!" I yelled. When his veins popped out of the side of his neck, I knew that I had him exactly where I needed him. Now all needed was for him to jump at me.

But he didn't.

He just stood there watching me. His breathing was still heavy, eyes full of anger, but no movement at all. Instead of charging towards me and beating me like I was his punching bag, he chuckled. It scared me even more than his regular abusive route. He had this weird smile plastered on his face and took his time coming to me. Once he stood right in front of me, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The snap of his fingers echoed throughout the entire mansion and I heard footsteps approaching me. Hands grabbed all over my body and held me in place as I tried to run away. I struggled with the men that held me in place as a heard a pair of heels clicking towards us.

"My my, what do we have here?" A very familiar voice called out. One of the men punched me in my jaw and the other held my head up so I could see who was coming towards us. My eyes followed the young woman's red high heels up her long slender legs, past her designer dress, and up to her face. She smirked as I realized who she was.


"Nice to see you again, but I liked you better when you were chained up and helpless." She ordered most of the men to get out of the way and kicked me in the mouth. I could taste the blood from my tongue down my throat. I spit it out on the floor and Little Miss Side-Piece didn't like that and was about to kick me again until Charles stepped in to stop her.

"That's enough, don't get carried away." He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her to his side. She fixed her dress and snapped her fingers. The men dropped me and walked away.

I struggled to stand and glanced up at Charles to give my best sad face. "C-charles..." I stuttered. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Charles opened his mouth to speak but Natalia put her long, slender finger to his lips. "Don't even waste your breath love. I got this." She went on.

"We think that you and your sisters don't deserve this wonderful lifestyle here and will be severely punished for it."

That's what I wanted but not exactly.


"I've noticed that you've been real disobedient recently and gave Natalia her a call. Just know you did this to yourselves."

The men returned and grabbed me again. I struggled and Natalia sent a few upstairs to grab my sisters. I could hear them screaming out for me as the men brought them down the steps by dragging them.

The men dragged me out the door as well and threw us into the trunk. I heard doors shutting and closing and the engine starting up. I felt in the darkness for my sisters and I held them close.

Just one step closer to getting home.


GEM out!

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