Why carly?

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"You had sex with Matt?" she asked, looking almost destroyed. I nodded, giving her a confused look. "Everything okay with that?" I questioned. She nodded, but I knew she was lying.
My phone started to ring,
"hello?" I said. It was matt.
"Ariel, are you home?" he asked.
"Go away, I don't want to see you!" I replied. "Ariel, let me talk to you." he cried. "No matthew." I said hanging up.
Matt broke down, hearing me call him 'Matthew' broke his heart. I couldn't figure why the fuck it did though. "What did he want?" Carly questioned. I placed my hand behind my neck,
"He wants to see me, I said no but I know he is going to show up." I said, looking at the floor.
"Do you want me to leave?" Carly questioned.
"You can or go into kara's room? I can't have anyone here when he is here. My sister isnt even aloud to be here." I said.
I went to a private school, that's the only way I saw Matt at school.
Kara didn't qualify, Maybe that's why she hates me.
"I'll go into kara's room, okay?" Carly said, I nodded,
"He can't know your here!" I exclaimed.
She nodded walking out of the room.
I was right, matthew did show up. There was a pouding At the door, I slowly walked to the door. I was actually scared, I slowly opened the door. "I told you don't come." I said with a stern voice. "I'm not going to drop you like this." Matt said holding back tears. "The pain you put me thru is easy to take on during the day, but at the end of the night, I'm the only one crying myself to sleep." I said with a tear running down my face, fist clintched onto the door. Matthew walked towards me and placed his hands around my waist. "Stop!" I cried. I didn't have time to shut the door, I ran to my room, With my hands over my face.
I felt him run after me! "Stop! Stop. Stop!" I cried. "NO! I FUCKING LOVE YOU ARIEL!" Matt screamed.
Carly came running out, "Ariel! MATTHEW STOP!" Carly yelled.
My eye's widened as I looked over Matts shoulders, he was leaning over me as if he was protecting me. "Carly.." I whispered.
"You didn't tell me she was here!" Matt whispered. I looked at matt, pushing him off. "Carly .." she cut me off,
"Why you keep hiding her? You embarrest? She barely told me anything and I can tell better then you think, that this is a game. Sarah is amused by this, she thinks you hate her. Which you tell everyone, that she's 'following' you and how you 'don't care' for her. You play her at school, but you come here to break her apart even more! You terriable little bitch!" Carly said, calmly staring at matt. "Carly .." I cried. Matt looked at me, I looked at the ground. "Is that true?" I asked, crying.
Matt placed his hand on my back.
"Do not fucking touch me, answer my question." I whispered. He nodded, wiping his tear.
"You think you can play her and at the end of the night she's going to be stable? She gave you her virginity." Carly exclaimed. Matt's eye's widened, "You did?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded, "yeah. I told you." I whispered. "Oh my god. I thought you just hadn't had sex in awhile." he exclaimed. I shook my head. "Congrats, you piece of shit." Carly said walking out.
"Matthew, you need to leave." I cried. Carly came back inside a few seconds later, throwing something at matt. It was the pregnancy test, my eyes widened. "Once again congrats you piece of shit, you got lucky!" Carly exclaimed. "Carly!!" I yelled. Matt stared at it.
"Are you? .. Pregnant?" Matt hesitatied asking. I shook my head. He just stared at me.

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