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Everyone looked up at me, besides Matthew.
"You were embarrassed of me. You even told people that." I said, trying to hold back on other things.
The room stayed silent as I pulled loose threads from my sweats. I could hear Nash take in a deep breath.
"Is that true Matthew?" Nash whispered with his two index fingers of his soft pink lips.
Everyone stared at Matthew, but me.
"Okay, I'm just going to say what I feel. Not holding back any longer." Matthew said breaking the awkward silence.
We all nodded as my heart began to race heavy beats.
"Ariel, I love you so much. You have no idea, but lately I just felt us drifting apart. I felt like you were pushing me away and when times got tough you just went and cut." Matthew said before I cut him off.
Throwing my hands up, I was frustrated.
"Yeah! I cut that's what I do when I'm hurt!! You gonna hate on that too?" I yelled as I ran out of breath.
Matthew placed his hands over his eyes, taking in a deep breath before he began to speak.
"NO! That's not what I am saying! You just don't show any emotion! You don't laugh, you don't do anything! It's like you hate every possiable thing. I tried and it clearly back fired!" Matthew yelled back.
At that moment, I felt heat build up inside.
"NO! I gave you a chance! A chance in which you didn't deserve! The only reason I didn't laugh or smile half the time was because as I stood staring at you most of the time I knew I wasn't good enough for you!! I was a piece of shit Matthew, someone NO one wanted! Meanwhile you had girl's all over you!!" I yelled back, completely crying with a face full of unnecessary tears.
Cameron looked towards the door, Hayes placed his head between his legs, Nash covered his face, Taylor looked at his feet, Carter pinched his cheeks, Jack J stared at his legs, Jack G pushed his hair back, Matthew closed his eyes and you just sat there listening to the evil voices telling you to give up followed by heavy heart beats.

Unwanted by MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now