Matthew, I'm trusting you!

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I looked up at matt. "I've made a choice." I said, trying to smile.
"Okay? And your choice is?" Matt asked, slightly scared.
"I don't know if I want to finsh high school, I just almost want to be alone, because I'm still scared your going to hurt me. Plus, you would probaly leave anyways. why would you want a 'high school drop out'?" I said, trying to make sense of myself.
Matt sighed and looked up with his hands in his pockets.
"When does your dad get back to home?" Matt questioned. I looked at him confused, "Not for another week. why?" I replied. "Okay, good. Is Kara aloud to be home alone?" He asked.
I nodded, looking confused. "let's go." Matt demanded grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the school into the parking lot. Matt opened the car door for me and I got in with a smile. "We are going to go to your house, I want you to get everything you want! Every little, big thing! Okay?" Matt told me.
"Matthew your scaring me, what's going on?" I asked, completely scared. Matt grabbed my hand and kissed on it as he focused on driving.
"Do you have a pen and piece of paper I can use when we get to the house?" Matt questioned.
"yes, but Matt. I'm scared to leave with you. What if you hurt me again?" I asked.
We pulled into my drive way and matt pulled up his sleeve. "I do not do that for just anyone! I made sure sarah saw it too!" Matt calmly said as he was getting out of the car. I got out and unlocked my front door.
"Ariel, there's things you still don't know about me that I have to explain." Matt said hesitating. I looked at him funny and chuckled. "Like?" I questioned.
"Where is the pen and paper at?" Matt questioned. I sighed, "Down this hall, to your right, second door is my dads office. enjoy." I replied.
I was really scared, I'm leaving with someone who can tear me down. I tried to brush it off and continue packing. I packed nearly my whole room, and still haven't heard from Matt. "Matthew?" I shouted. "Yeah?" He yelled back.
"I'm ready, lets go!" I yelled. Matt came running back with paper in his hand. "One second!" He said running the kitchen.
Matt was scaring me, where were we going? As I stood there thinking, he came around the cornor grabbing two of my bags. I gave out a small smile and opened the door letting Matt go out first. He carefully placed all my bags in cam's car as I locked the front door.
"Matthew, I'm trusting you." I said.
He looked at me and nodded. We got into the car filled with complete silence. "What was the paper for?" I questioned. "Just a simple note for your sister." He replied. So many things were running through my blank mind.
"What do I not know about you?" I quietly asked.

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