Paramedical Advice

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The paramedics came rushing, Pushing Nash out of the way.
"How old is she? What's her name? Any medical history?" The paramedic quickly asked, Getting out various machines.
Nash stood helplessly scratching his head, staring at Matthew for answers.
"Matthew? She is your girl .." Nash tried to spit out before he stopped.
Matthew took in a big breath, Slamming his hands to his side.
"Only Anxiety and depression. I don't know of anything else." Matt implied to the Paramedic.
"Does she live with her parents? Any legal Guardian's?" The paramedic asked.
Nash's face instantly dropped to the floor.
"No. Her mom died, I don't know her father and her sister hates her." Matthew said in such a degraded voice. "Wow. Any other realitives?" Paramedic once again questioned.
Matthew placed his hands over his face.
"No, not that I know of." Matthew said.
"Does she have a stable home? Is she being taken care of? The only reason I ask is because my daughter was the same way, she died from an episode similar to this." The paramedic implied as he packed his gear.
"I tell you, I hate to see girls like this. It's often caused from bad relationships and having no one else to lean on. Although her vitals do look okay, I think she will do fine. Are any of you with her? relationship wise?" The paramedic awkwardly asked.
Nash and Matthew looked at each other.
"Well, We don't know .." Nash said before the paramedic cut him off.
"Woah, what do you mean 'You don't know.' She isn't a toy fellas, If one of you boys don't treat her right, someone else will. And Imma tell you, it sucks seeing her happy in someone elses arms." The paramedic said.
Matthew gained cautious in the floor.
"I fucked up and I have to fix it. This is probably all my fault." Matthew implied.
The paramedic removed his gloves, placing his left arm on Matthew's shoulder.
"Why man? She seems like a sweetheart." The paramedic mentioned.
Matthew shrugged his shoulders.
"I know, and she doesn't deserve me." Matthew said, unable to bare to look up.
"What did you do?" The paramedic questioned.
Nash chuckled as his grabbed his lips.
"Cheated on her." Matthew shamefully whispered.
The paramedic looked down at me, shaking his head.
"You better get things straight, or one day she is going to gain enough confidence to walk out on you and never look back. Give her a break."
I started to open my eyes, confused from all of these people surrounding me.
"What? What are you guys doing? What's wrong?" I asked in a panic.
Nash placed his hand on my thigh. "You had a break down, Are you okay?" The paramedic asked me.
"Yeah, I think so. I don't want to go to the hospital." I said confused.
Nash began to rub your leg, It gave you the chills.
"No, don't do that." I stuttered.
Nash stopped at looked up at the paramedic,
"Does she have to go?" Nash questioned.
The paramedic shook his head,
"Not unless she wanted too, Her vitals are back to normal." The paramedic said, picking up his bags.
"No, I don't want to go. I just want to go to sleep." I said, trying to sit up.
Nash helped me sit up and had me gently lay on him.
"Okay, well I'm going to head out. Remember what I said Mr. And you, Please take it easy. No stress!" The paramedic said pointing to me and walking out.
"Where are the other guys at?" I asked.
"Taylor, Cameron, Carter and the two Jacks are in the living room." Nash said.
"And Hayes?" I asked.
"He might have went and hid, He gets scared easy. he will be fine though." Nash said rubbing my shoulders.

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