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Matt looked at you, "Your my girlfriend, right?"
I looked at him and nodded,
"I think so." I responded.
"Well, you are! But I have my 3rd meet and greet coming up. I don't know how you are going to take it." He said. I just sat in complete silence, It was hard because I was falling for Matt more and more everytime I was with him.
"So, your going somewhere, were screaming girls are going to be all over you?" I calmly asked.
He nodded and looked at me.
"I can't just not go." Matt replied.
I shook my head. "Will I be able to go?" I asked, concerned.
"If you can handle it, I mean I'll announce you as my girlfriend and all, but I can't promise you no hate." He said. I nodded, holding back tears. "Plus, long sleeves are going to be our bestfriends until our wounds heal." Matt was quick to imply. I nodded and grabbed onto my wrist.
The one person I truely love is going to be having screaming, wild girls all over him. Plus, as soon as they find out who I am, It's not going to be good. "Where are we going?" I questioned. Matt sighed, "You have only met Nash and Cam, right?" Matt asked.
I strugged my shoulders.
"Well, they are part of our group too!" Matt exclaimed.
"Do you guys have a name for you group?" I asked. Matt nodded, "Magcon." he responded. I nodded, "This is news to me, anyways. So, today I will be meeting.." I asked as matt cut me off, "Nash, Cam, Taylor, Carter, Hayes, Mahogany, Jack and Jack." He said. I was quiet for a second. "Who's Mahogany?" I asked, I've heard of the rest of them.
Matt smiled, "Mahogany is a sweetheart, I think you will enjoy her. They are all nice people ariel." He assured me.
We pulled up to this huge house, surrowned by tall perfect tree's.
I looked over at Matt, "It's alright." He said. It was almost as if he could feel my anxiety leave and surround our bodies. Leaving my bags in the car, Matt willingly grabbed my hand and brought me up the stairs into the house.
"Aye Matthew is here." I heard someone say. As we walked into the house, I saw four guys on the couch and one girl. Mahogany stood up and walked over to me, "Hi, I'm guessing your Matthew's friend?" She asked me with a gorgeous smile.
I looked down at our hands, which were still glued together, then looked up at Matt, waiting for an answer. "Girlfriend." Matt said over everyone. I smiled. "Did Matthew feel proud to have me by his side?" I thought and unfortunately that question was lingering over my head.
"Well, It's nice to meet you. I'm Mahogany." she said smiling.
I smiled back, there was something about her that lit up the room.
"I'm ariel." I said. "Ariel, huh?" Some guy asked. I nodded, "I'm Taylor." He responded. "Back off Taylor, she's taken." Nash said with a flirtatious smile. "Here, where are your bags?" Mahogany asked giggling. "In the car." I replied. "Want me to help you get them?" She asked. "Oh my god, please!" I said back. Mahogany smiled as I let go of Matthew's hand and walked out the door with her.
"So, how did you meet Matthew?" She asked.

Unwanted by MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now