There just close friends.

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"Ariel! Ariel, wake up! You have to get ready." Nash exclaimed, shaking my body awake.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Nash standing at end of the bed in his boxers. "Really Nash?" I asked with a slight smile on my face.
I could feel the beds emptiness. As I looked over my shoulder to see a the covers all messed up, but not one sign of Matthew. "Where is he?" I asked. Nash chuckled, "He's eating breakfest with Hayes and Mahogany" Nash replied.
You were propped up on your elbow, picking at your nail buds,
"Hey, can I ask you something? and I really don't want anyone else to know I asked." I questioned.
Nash nodded his head and sat by my feet, "Go for it." Nash said as he took a drink of my water from last night.
I took in a deep breath,
"Is there something between Mahogany and Matthew that I should be concerned about?" I questioned.
As soon as I finished my sentence, Nash spit water all over my legs. "Nash!" I yelled.
Nash wiped his lips and looked up at me, "No, they are just good friends." He said, trying to wipe the water off the sheets in which it had already soaked in.
"Okay, I believe you. Is the shower empty?" I asked, wiping my eyes. "Yours and Matt's is." he said chuckling pointing to our bathroom door.
I smiled and looked down at my hands, "Thanks." I said as Nash got up.
"No problem, anytime. Remember, nothing is going on. Okay princess?" Nash said smiling.
I looked up and smiled "Princess?" I asked. Nash stopped and looked back pushing his hair the side, "Yeah."
He replied with a huge flirting smile, almost as if he was embarressed.
"But Mahogany is Queen, sorry." Nash said walking out.
I smiled and got up shutting the door.
I really prayed that today would be a better day, hopefully no tears. I took in a deep breath as if it was my last and walked to my boxes. Pulling out suitable clothing, I placed them on the bed, grabbing a white towel and starting the shower.
I instantly started to get undressed, I didn't close the bathroom door because our door was already shut. That was a mistake because the door opened up, and there I was standing there in my lace bra and matching lace underwear. I was quick to cover myself before I had realised it was just Matt. "Damn babe." Matt said with a huge grin, walking towards me.
"Not right now, I have to get in the shower." I said, pushing Matt away. "Okay, but your mine later." he told me as I removed my bra and underwear. "Matt.." I asked. He looked up with a expression of "Oh shit, I just got caught."
"yeah?" He asked. "I use my shower time to be alone and think." I said, trying to give him a hint that he needed to leave. "Oh, okay. I'll be out here, let me know if you need anything." He exclaimed as I nodded and smiled.
Matt closed the door behind him and I got into the warm shower. As I stood there, I started to get emmotional, although that wasn't new. Warm water always triggered my emmotions for some reason, but this time it was far worse. I had to get out, or I was going to loose it. I quickly washed my hair and body, as well as brushing my teeth. Turning off the water, I grabbed my towel and instantly heard talking.
"Haha Matthew, you are so cute." Some female had said. I stood there quietly and slowly drying off myself. "Shit, I think she's out. Mahogany we will talk later." Matt exclaimed. As soon as I heard mahogany's name, I completely broke down internally.
I wasn't going to tell matt what I heard, instead I would just let my heart shatter and break over and over again.

Unwanted by Matthewजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें