Everything is now erased.

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My first though was to pull out my phone and take a picture of them together. Just my luck, they were kissing. I broke down so quietly, I wasn't even aware I was capable of doing so.
Taking the picture and running off, killed me right there. Tears raining down my face, I had to find Hayes! "Hayes! Hayes! Hayes I need you!" I cried. I ran, dragging myself as if I had been shot.
"I wish I would just have been shot instead! Its less pain!" I cried, stopping in the middle of the hallway.
I tripped and hit the wall. I sat there and cried for twenty minuets, which seemed longer.
Hayes finally came around the corner and nearly flipped when he saw me dwelling in tears.
"Ariel!! What's wrong?! Talk to me!!" he yelled. I didn't have enough energy to speak a single word, therefore I unlocked my phone and tossed it into Hayes hand.
Hayes started breathing heavy meanwhile walking back and forth. "WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THIS DOUCHE'?" hayes yelled angerly.
I wiped my tears and allowed the wall get me to my feet.
I shook my head, "What do you mean no?" Hayes asked annoyingly confused. I took my phone, and grabbed Hayes's hand.
"I have a better Idea." I shouted to him. "What?" He questioned.
I stopped and turned around, trying not to get lost in Hayes eyes.
"Who controls the slides on the screens on stage?" I whispered to Hayes.
He gave me a confused look and scratched his head,
"I think Gary.." He replied. I nodded, "take me to Gary." I sweetly demanded.
Hayes nodded with a smile which fear seemed to seeped right through. Hayes then took the lead, tightly grabbing my wrist. "Ahh fuck." I pulled my wrist loose from Hayes, rubbing it.
Hayes gave me a confused look before realizing what I ment.
"We will talk about that later!" He whispered upsettingly. After five minuets of running, we reached a fairly big room. Me and Hayes were completely out of breath.
"Is Gary here?" Hayes impatiently asked. A guy nodded and pointed to a closed door in which hayes approached by knocking.
"Gary, it's Hayes Grier with a good friend Ariel. Can we speak?" Hayes questioned still out of breath.
In a matter of seconds, the door was unlocked and we were standing infront of a guy who had every power to end today's meeting.
"What is it son?" He asked.
"Hey um, we need you're help with something, almost like revenge." Hayes implied. Gary nodded and motioned us into his office.
All it took was ten minuets of explaining and Gary was on board. When Gary simply agreed, I felt a sense of relife followed with a wave of hurt.
I could not for the life of me get that damn image out of my head. It was a constant replay in a jail cell also known as my mind. Hayes opened the door for me and we headed out to go see the boys.
Breaking the silence, Hayes made a point, "Can you hold your tears for fifteen to twenty minuets? Because if you go back crying, he is gonna pressure you into telling him what's wrong." He asked. I took in a big sniff as Hayes wiped my tears.
Cam and Carter welcomed us at the door. There were already girls meeting with Matthew, the saddest part of all. I wasn't even jealous anymore.
I saw that nothing left in the future of Matthew and I. The visual was a blank space, just like the name in my heart.

Unwanted by MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now