I Don't mean to embarras you!

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I was the first awake, I quietly checked my phone. 5:31Am, it was perfect.
I also had a message, from kara.
"Not coming home tonight, have fun alone." I laughed plus, we didnt have to be up for another hour. I look to my side, matthew was sound asleep.
I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake him up. I walk out of my room, heading for the kitchen. "Breakfast." I thought to myself, imma make him breakfest. I had to make tea first. After making my warm herbal tea, I pulled out eggs, bacon and bread. I've always wanted to do this for someone I loved so much. I started to make breakfest. It was quiet, so I stood there humming.

All of the sudden I felt arms around my waste, it was matt.
"Goodmorning babe." He whispered, still in his underwear. I gently put the spoon down and looked at matt. "Goodmorning." I said, as I walked over and got two plates.
"You did this, yourself?" Matt questioned. I nodded with a unexplainable smile on my face.
"Make your plate." I told him, handing him a plate.
I just got toast and eggs. "That's it?" Matt asked chuckling. I nodded and ate my eggs.
"So at what point would you like to ditch me before we get to school so no one see's us at school together?" I questioned getting up, placing my plate on the counter. Matt sighed, "Ariel, do you not remember last night?" Matt asked slightly upset.
I looked at matt. "Oh, I do! But that was last night and I know you have absoultly no plans to show what you've done. so long sleeves too?" I asked staring at him. He dropped his fork on his plate.
"Ariel! Stop! Okay? I told you I was done hiding you! I'm going to walk you to class today and every other day this week! I promise, damn." He said.
I nodded my head, "Yeap, okay. you can not blame me for acting like this!" I told him, nearly on the verge of breaking down. He shook his head, "Nevermind, Imma be getting ready." I said picking up my tea and walking out. "I love you." he exclaimed to me. I put a thumbs up behind my head,
"We will see." I replied.
I walked into my room, placing the tea on my dresser. I grabbed my brush and brushed out my hair. It was getting long, That was a highlight of my day so far. Matt walked in on me removing my makeup.
"You're gorgeous without it you know." he said. I turned around and looked at him, shocked. "Really?" I whispered. He nodded, smiling. "Thanks." I said.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked hestitating. I looked at him and nodded, "Always." I responded.
"Well it's two things." He said correcting himself. "Bring it." I said waiting.
"Why do you hate me?" He questioned. I stopped doing my make up and looked at him with tears gaining in my eyes, "I don't." I studdered which killed it.
Matt looked down at his underwear that he had on, bitting his lip. You could completely see the hurt in him.
I couldn't just stand there, I put the mascara down and walked to him. I placed my hands on his cheek,
"Stop. I wouldn't trade you for the world, I'm just tired of you hurting me and I figured if I hold my head up and guard myself, I won't cry myself to sleep anymore." I said, staring into his eyes. I kissed him and walked away, "Ariel." he said. I turned around, "How many times have I hurt you?" Matt asked. I looked up and took in a big breath, "Uhh, I don't have enough fingers to hold up for this." I said.
Matt looked at me, you could see the 'hurt', 'regret' and 'anticipation' in his eye's. "What's on your mind?" I asked, "What are we?" He questioned as I got skinny jeans on.
"I could ask the same question." I replied, taking my shirt off. I still had hickeys on me from matt. He chuckled, "Sorry." he said laughing. I looked at him, "So what are we?" I questioned. He strugged his shoulders. I got my bra on and went to my closet, looking through my shirts.
"You gonna get dressed?" I questioned, after all he was just standing there. "Yeah, imma get my clothes out of the car." Matt responded. I nodded. I picked out a 'I heart Pink' sweatshirt and got on white Tom's.
Matt walked back in, "damn." He mumbled licking his lips. I laughed. He got dressed and we were Almost ready, I had to brush my teeth. I thought it was funny how matt used my tooth brush. Before we left out of the door, matt grabbed me and kissed me. "I love you so much." Matt exclaimed. I couldn't bring myself to say 'I love you too!' because the hurt was still drowning me. I nodded and opened the door. Matt didn't say a word, it was almost a silent car ride to school.
"What's wrong?" I asked matt. I Knew exactly was what was wrong. "Nothing." he said sternly. I sighed and nodded my head bitting my lip. "It's because I didn't say I love you back?" I asked.
"Yeap." he responded.
"You don't get why?" I asked confused. "Nope." matt said.
"The last time I said, 'I love you.' you left!" I said upset.
"I said I'm sorry! what do you want?" He asked.
"Nothing! It's gonna take time and don't blame me." I said as we pulled into the school parking lot. We got out, "So now what?" I asked walking towards him. I could see that made matt mad. He visously grabbed my hand. I smiled.
"I'm not trying to piss you off." I said. "Well, your doing a hell of job at it." he replied. I was so scared to walk into school with 'Matthew Espinosa' holding my hand.
I was also worried because I haven't heard from Carly. We walked in and nearly every girl was staring at us. I whispered to Matt,
"You don't have to embarrass yourself like this." I said.
That very moment I knew matt had lost it, he stopped and looked at me. "Why do you keep saying that?" Matt said upset. I looked up, "Because your Matthew Espinosa and I'm just ariel, that's terriable enough." I said.
Matt grabbed my hand, shaking his head we walked into first hour. I let go of Matt's hand and walk to my seat. Sarah walked in, "damn, you gonna run away again? Isn't it hard being in the same class as Matthew knowing he doesn't want any?" Sarah asked me. Matt stood up and walked over to me, "Sarah, shut the fuck up." Matt said. You saw the disbelife in Sarah's eyes. "Why are you protecting her! You said it yourself, she's a no good skank." Sarah said.
"She's my girlfriend." Matt replied. Sarah's eye's widened.
"Oh Matthew, quit feeling sorry for the poor girl. She can handle herself just fine." Sarah replied.
"Maybe your pathetic too? Worthless? Can you relate to her?" Alexis asked.
I looked at Matt, "I told you this would happen, I'm not worth it!" I said with a light tear running down my face.
"Just give up Matt, I'm not worth the hurt!" I exclaimed wiping my tear. Sarah saw my cut. "No fucking way! She cuts initials of his name into her wrist." Sarah said laughing.
I got up and ran out. Matt pulled up his sleeve showing Sarah his arm and flipped her off. Tears wouldn't stop coming out, and Matt wouldn't stop chasing me.
"Ariel, do not ever say that again!" Matt said upset. I covered my face with my hands, he walked up and removed them from my face. "Stop!" he said as he leaned in and gave me a huge kiss.
"Calm down baby. I'm right here, all yours." he exclaimed holding onto me. "Your my girlfriend and I will protect you!" Matt said holding back tears. I held onto matt so tight. I then looked up at him, "Matthew Lee Espinosa, I love you!" I cried. He just stared into my eye's, shocked.

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