It's not what you think.

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Nash continued to pull my arm,
"Nash let go! I can walk by myself." I shouted as he resisted to stop.
"Yeah, that's the problem. Have no time to walk. We have to be up there in two minuets and we are five minuets away." Nash yelled back to me.
Finally getting my wrist free, I kept running. It seemed as if it was a never ending run, kind of like my life. No breaks.
"Okay, we are here!" Nash repeated out of breath, panting.
"Lets go!" Cam yelled, waving us on stage.
I followed Nash, scared as hell.
"Where were you guys?" Cam asked suspicious.
"No where, I was just.." I tried to spit out before Matt came running up to me.
"Ariel? Where were you." Matt asked a little upset.
I pointed to Nash, Looking at him for answers.
"She was talking to Hayes and I asked if she wanted to walk back with me. That's all.." Nash cleared.
"We have no time for this! Lets go, fuck." Cam said quite irritated.
I nodded my head and walked on stage, my worst nightmare had came true as the crowed stayed silent.
"Just don't take anything to heart." Matt whispered to me.
I nodded and took in a deep breath.
Nash grabbed a microphone as we all sat in chairs on stage.
"Be strong, you can do this!" I told myself over and over.
"Hi. So instead of stalling, I am going to get right to it."
Nash spoke, My heart felt like the Titanic hitting the ice and sinking.
Cold and crushed.

Unwanted by MatthewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora