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Pimpernel wakes in her dream as the man gently rubs his hand along her bare arm. The sheet wrapped around her is warm from her body heat. As the man starts kissing her along her arm up to her neck, Pimpernel wakes from the dream.

With hot tears pouring down her face, Pimpernel knows that she won't be going back to sleep. Why is her life so cruel? She knows that no man will accept her as she is, so why does she dream that one wants to be in bed with her, love her?

If she had ever had any thoughts otherwise her family, more especially, her mother, made sure that the idea was forever erased from her mind. As her mother said, who would ever love a freak? With the purplish red birthmark covering the right side of her face she did look like a freak. Her family made sure she understood that. Only her father was ever kind to her. He loved her even though she looked like a monster. Then some bastard killed him. A freaking hit and run and no witnesses.

Six years ago her life crashed down around her. But even in death her father did his best to show his love for her. Pimpernel smiles at the memory.

Knowing that there will be no going back to sleep Pimpernel remembers the last night she saw any of her family.

Pimpernel rushes home. She had seen the post her sister had on her social media. She was wearing the bracelet her grandmother left her. She had received the jewelry the night before and hadn't had time to place it in a secure place. She couldn't skip school to make sure that it would be safe. Now she curses herself. She should have skipped school.

She gets home and finds the packages with her jewelry opened and discarded on her room floor.

She falls down in tears.

She checks her mother's social media and finds her also showing off some of the jewels.

Pimpernel smiles grimly. She's had it. Those jewels were left to her and to hell with those two bitches. She's careful to not touch anything as she locates the will that not only shows that she has full ownership of the jewels but also there are photos of each piece. There are several photos of her sister and mother wearing various pieces. 

Pimpernel gets her phone out, she hasn't had much of a reason to use it since her father died six months ago. There are no friends and her family would rather she died than answer a call from her.

"Hello? Yes, I'd like to report a theft. The jewelry left by my grandmother to me was stolen. Yes, officer, it's not costume jewelry, it is according to the will valued at over a million dollars. Thank you, I will be waiting." Pimpernel hangs up and prepares to meet the police officers when they come. She has her ID, the will, and has printed copies of the social media of her family wearing her jewels.

Although the officer notices her birthmark he manages to look her in the eye. Pimpernel is impressed. Not many people are able to do that. When he's finished taking her report she shows him the will with the photos of the jewels and then the social media pages of her sister and mother openly showing them off. She also has the wrapping that she's sure has her mother and sister's fingerprints all over them.

"You didn't allow them to use the jewels?" The officer asks gently.

Pimpernel looks at him in shock. "No. They treat me like shit. Listen to this," Pimpernel pulls out her phone. She had had it with her the night before when the packages were brought to her. She recorded what her mother and sister said to her.

"You don't deserve those jewels. Give them to your sister and me. We deserve them for putting up with your ugly freak face. They will look much better on us."

For five more minutes her mother goes on with the verbal abuse trying to get Pimpernel to give up the jewels. Finally she threatens. "There is no way you will keep that jewelry Pimpernel. It will be mine and Sarah's. You'll see. And there will be nothing you can do about it."

"I see, miss. It was premeditated grand theft. We will do all we can to get your jewels back to you. Once we have them in custody we'll let  you know.

"Is your father about?"

With those kind words Pimpernel had lost it. "My father was killed six months ago in a hit and run. There were no witnesses. It was suspected as intentional, but there is no proof."

"I see, then is there any one that can take care of your brothers? If not then I'll have to call CPS to take them into custody." Pimpernel was eighteen and old enough to be on her own, but her sister's twin and her sister were only sixteen. Then of course there's her littlest brother, he's only nine.

"No, there's no one else." Pimpernel says as she wipes her tears away. 

The cop was sympathetic and made sure that she was alright before leaving. He assured her that they would do the best they could to get things taken care of soonest. The way he spoke reminded her of someone that used to be in the army. If so, he's probably seen people with worse disfigurements than her's. That would explain his reaction or lack of one.

Just after the officer left her brothers came home. Pimpernel retreated to her room. The last thing she needed was to be bullied by her little brothers right now.

Seven o'clock she gets a phone call telling her that they've arrested both her mother and sister. They need her to come to the precinct.

Just as she was getting ready to go, "Hello?" The phone number wasn't one she recognized and it wasn't the policeman's either.

"Miss Lancaster? This is Trevor Lister, I'm your father's lawyer. The will has been fully probated and I have news for you."

Pimpernel looks at her phone with a confused expression. "I'm sorry Mr. Lister, but what news could you possibly have for me?"

"I would like to meet with you as soon as possible to explain it to you, if I could?"

"I'm about ready to head to the police station. Shouldn't you be talking to my mother instead of me? If so you should also head to the police station since she was arrested for grand theft along with my sister."

There is a long pause, "Really?" There is a definite sound of amusement in the lawyer's voice. "I would love to hear the story on that, but no, she isn't inheriting anything and so there's no reason to talk to her."

"Alright, if you hurry here I can meet with you tonight, otherwise you'll have to wait until morning." But Pimpernel doubts she'll be around until morning. Her mother is going to be pissed at being locked up.

"I'll be there in ten. Will that be fast enough for you?" Pimpernel is sure that she hears the amusement once more.

"Yeah, that'll be fine." Shortly after that Pimpernel hangs up the phone and looks at it blankly. She thought her mother would get everything. She never once thought her father would give her much. A trust, of course, but nothing else.

Pimpernel shrugs and packs her back pack. No matter what she gets she'll be leaving tonight. She just has to make an appearance at the precinct first.

She'll have to buy new stuff for college, she won't be here long enough to pack and there really wasn't anything she wanted other than a few things her father bought her and the jewels from her grandmother. That's the main reason she'll be heading to the precinct. She needs to recover her things.

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