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"Timothy, if your sister is the surprise that the seethe leader brought, I'm going to warn you now, I understand that she is your maker. That being said, if you show in any way that you want to be with her, we are over. I know, that's terribly hypocritical of me. You've had to watch me be with Travis and even my brothers and yet, I can't, Timothy. She's your sister and your maker and I can't bring myself to accept it. I've not had problems with you being with other females, or other people in general. You've asked and I've accepted you being with my brothers, my bonded. I know I'm over reacting once more. I know that I shouldn't have so much trouble with her, but as long as she realizes that you are off limits now, I won't have a problem with her." Melissa looks miserable as she tells him this as they are about to enter the hotel to meet the seethe leaders once more.

"Melissa, you don't have to worry about me being with her. There isn't any one that I want more than you." Timothy tries to reassure her, but doesn't think he succeeded when he looks at her.

"I'm sorry, Timothy, but if she kisses you and you reciprocate we will be through. I can't, not her." Melissa turns from him not wanting him to see her cry.

Timothy sighs, pulls her into his arms and holds her. "I won't kiss her, Melissa. Yet, she might kiss me and touch me."

"Just don't let the kiss last or kiss her back. Remove her hands in any way you have to." Melissa sighs. "I know, I'm being unreasonable. Perhaps it would be better to just end things now rather than you having to put up with me being so unreasonable."

"NO!" Timothy says far louder than he had intended. Panic flooding through him. He can't lose her, not now. When this mess is over he wants to mark her and have her mark him. "I won't let her touch or kiss me and if she somehow does then I won't return it. I swear, just don't leave me. I need you, Melissa, I need you more than I ever imagined ever needing any one."

Melissa looks at him and there are still tears in her eyes. "How can you need me like that, Timothy? I've caused you so much trouble since I came into your life."

Timothy looks at her and smiles gently, "The trouble was mostly caused by me being an arrogant douche, not you. You've taught me a great deal these last three years. I love you, Melissa. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love any one. You are incredibly generous and loving. You give more of yourself to others than any one I've ever met. 

"Travis is besotted with you because of this. I've seen many of the female vampires throw themselves at him and he doesn't even see it. Your brothers date because they know that they have to maintain appearances. In time when it is time to change lives we can make it so that they aren't your brothers, but for now it is necessary. They hate every second of it though."

Melissa snorts. "Please, they may hate not being able to date me, but you can't tell me that they hate being with others sexually."

"Believe as you will, Melissa, I can't force you to believe me.

"Now, if you are ready we have some seethe leaders to confront." The amusement Melissa was feeling evaporates as if it never was.

"I will kill whoever is responsible, Timothy, no matter who it might be, friend or foe." Melissa warns.

"I understand. Just make sure that you get proof and show both Cliff and myself and at least one other council member." Timothy soothes her even while reminding her of the need for proof to keep another war or purge from happening.

"Of course, I wouldn't do anything else." Melissa says soothingly even as they both continue on their way to the small ballroom where the seethe leaders and some of their members are congregating.

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