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"Well, I have to say, when Mr. McGavity told me you were ill, I wasn't entirely sure that he was telling me the truth. But, I can see that you have been ill and it looks like you've had some surgery to change your appearance as well." Her lawyer tells her as he ushers them both inside. 

When Timothy was ushered in as well, he was more than a little startled. He'd been expecting to wait in the waiting room. He'd brought his laptop so that he could work while waiting. Like he had told Melissa, he fully expected her to take several hours to go over all the papers, make the changes necessary and for her to sign a load of legal papers.

He is able to hide his shock when Melissa talks to him telepathically, but just barely. "I would like you to look over the papers with me. See if I miss any thing."

"Why, I mean, I am more than happy to do so, but I don't understand why you want me to do so?" Timothy thinks back to her, but is unsure if Melissa received his message or not. Then he sees a little smile she tries to hide from him and is sure that she did.

"No matter what I think of you as a person, you are an astute businessman. You are also known to be an honest one. That is the reason that I took the investment in your company that my father gifted me with and added to it. I liked how you did business. I liked how you treated your employees. It's one reason I wanted a job there."

"You should have had a far better job there than you were given. You should have gotten promotions and had I known-" the thoughts still make Timothy angry. He likes to utilize people to their fullest. Pimpernel hadn't even used a fraction of her potential.

"Hush, I knew the likelihood of me being used properly wasn't likely. I accepted it. Had I wanted a job for anything other than to keep busy, I would have done something about it. I was able to keep busy and help others do better at their jobs. I am content with that."

With her quiet reassurance Timothy settles down. He still wants to have words with his executives and will do so after this trip. If he lives to do so, that is.

Melissa frowns at the thoughts that leak through Timothy's mind.

Then she reads something her lawyer hands her and she returns to the present with a bang. "Why haven't the land purchases been made?" Melissa asks her voice dropping to warning levels. She needs that land to expand her charities to help the poor in that area.

"We are now in a bid war for that land. A company wants to buy that block, including the apartments, for business offices." The lawyer is careful to not look at either of the two sitting in front of him.

"What company is going after my home?" Melissa bites out. This isn't going to end well for whichever  company is daring to do so.

"McGavity Corporation." The lawyer mumbles, but it's loud enough for both of the visitors to hear.

"You have to be kidding me!" Melissa all but yells out and turns wrathful eyes onto Timothy. 

"You are trying to take away my land? Why the fuck would you do that?" Melissa demands of Timothy.

Timothy feels all the warm or rather luke warm feelings that were between them going down the drain. "Might I look over the information?" Timothy asks softly trying to not draw her ire onto him even more fully.

Immediately she hands it to him. He looks over the information and narrows his lips angrily. "This was only one possible site for the proposed office buildings. There hadn't been any definite proposal for that site." He's going to kill whoever went ahead and started bidding on that land in his company's name without permission.

"That land is needed for help for the poor in that area. Two blocks down are empty warehouses that are hideouts for the local gangs and for druggies. Clearing those out are better over all for the area, will help improve the overall health of the community and make it safer for those very offices. The land in between I hope to make into a community center for sports and activities like that."

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