Chapter 17

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Laying back in my bed I saw that my phone was lit up on my nightstand, who knows how long I've had a notification.

I took one glance and saw it was Ta'mama'ki telling me that Tamaki forgot his lunch again.

Sighing, I got out of my bed and put on a pair of shoes.

Hey at least I can spend some time with Aizawa and my friends now.
It's been a while since I talked with any of them.

Grabbing one of the boxes of chocolate Pocky from one of the bags I went down to the door to leave, before I left I locked up the house and grabbed my phone.

My walk to the school was peaceful and quiet, probably because I was in a empty and risky area.

Nobody, not even any villains, were around on my walk.

It only took me a peaceful 20 minutes to make it to the school.

I walked through the gates leisurely and I made my way to the class that Tamaki would be in.

Just kidding, I don't know what class he's in.
I'm going to Aizawa's room to hang out till lunch, then I'll make Tama something.

I strolled through the halls until I made my way to Shouta's class.

I didn't knock because what would be the point? I already come barging into his classroom and house when ever I want, so what's one more time?

With a grin on my face and a slow pace, I walk into his class and I take a seat on his desk.

He was asleep in his yellow sleeping bag but I was wanting someone to talk to.

So instead of waking him up, I jumped from his desk and I started walking to the door.
Just as I reached out to leave I heard shuffling behind me.

"You leaving before I had a chance to say hi? I haven't seen you in a week so the very least you could have at least greeted me.." Shouta tiredly greeted as he unzipped his bag.

"I saw that you were sleeping and I didn't want to take away what little sleep you get." I say, walking back to his desk.

"Do you really think I would rather sleep than see my Protegé?" He asks with a smile.

"Yes." I replied straight faced.

"I trained you for a quarter of your life so of course I'd rather see you! It hurts that you think that."

"You'd rather sleep than talk with Miss. Joke or Present Mic."

"Of course I would. Hizashi's a good friend but he's too loud. And I hate Miss. Joke with a passion... god she gets on my nerves, and she expects me to marry her?" He joked rubbing his face.

"I think that's the funniest joke she's ever told." I say, causing Aizawa to burst out laughing.

"Oh holy fuck! You are definitely my favorite ex-student!" He slayed through breaks of laughter.

"What can I say? I love to cheer people I like up and I love to bring people I dislike down, I'm just like a seesaw." I shrugged with my eyes closed.

"So is there any reason that brought you here?" Shouta asked, leaning far back into his seat.

"Lunch. Like always."
Jumping off his desk, I pulled out one of my many styrofoam boxes.
"Lunch is what, five minutes away? Do you have anything to eat or would you like me to make you something?"

Chuckling softly he opened his right eye.

"I was planning on sleeping through lunch.. but a little Udon soup wouldn't hurt."

With a nod I made the soup in the box, not much both because that is hard to make, instead I made a lot of chicken and noodles.

"You are certainly the most useful kid I trained, now the only thing I need is a pair of chopsticks."

Knowing he would need a pair, I pulled a chopstick sleeve from out of one of his desk's drawers.

"I know you Sensei, that's why I put a few chopsticks in the empty drawer down here. You never have the things you need. Especially when you actually need them." I tease while I put the sticks in his noodles.

"I'm just too tired to remember where I put everything.." he joked, picking up a bit of the food.

"Yeah, yeah, excuses excuses.. now I got to do something." I sigh out with a glance to my ex-teacher.

I walked out if the classroom.
Making my way to the cafeteria.

As the bell rung to signal it was time for lunch I walked into the lunch room and sat at the table the Biggus Threeus normally sat at.

After a few minutes of children entering the room I saw Tamaki and Nejire walk through the door talking.
I didn't notice Mirio near they though.
While the 2 teenagers approached, I looked for the blond jerk.

When a face phased though the table I jumped up with a small scream. I quickly composed myself though.

I sighed annoyed at myself and him before I turned back to him with a bit of a glare.

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