I'd take a bullet for you (Mullette)

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Hi, welcome to my one shot book, where I will write Hamilton one shots because I can. Anyway, there will be fluff and angst because we are pure children of Satan.
This is my first one shot ever, so no apologies in advance.
Trigger Warning: Death.

*Baguette's PoV*

"GET DOWN, MAJOR GENERAL LAFAYETTE!" A soldier screamed at me, just as a shower of bullets rained down on us. I dropped to the floor instantly , not quite quick enough, as I was clipped on the ear by the burning metal. Yelping in pain, I nodded shakily at my comrade who practically saved my life, putting a hand to my ear which was luckily not bleeding due to it being cauterised by the bullet.
A few yards away, I saw my dear friend Hercules Mulligan holding his own against a redcoat who clearly had the lower hand in the fight. I watched as the redcoat was shot in the side by another comrade of mine, Hercules thanked them, turning around and locking eyes with me. He ran over to me, putting his hand out to help me up which I took gratefully.
"You napping? We're in the middle of a war!" Hercules joked, I rolled my eyes at him and spoke,
"I'll have you know that if I didn't get down in time, this," I gestured to my newest wound, "would've gone into my brain." He looked shocked for a moment before holding me close, which took me by surprise.
"Stay safe, damn it! I won't let you get hurt, okay?" He said to me, embracing me tighter.
"I can't promise that, mon ami, I'd take a bullet for you to keep you safe." I told him. It was true, I'd risk my life for him, he means so much to me.
"You better not, or I swear I'll reincarnate your and kill you again myself," Hercules threatened, I laughed and pulled away, realising that a battlefield isn't the best place to stand passive-aggressively threatening each other.
"How about we just both make it out of this alive." I reasoned, he nodded eagerly before his eyes widened in surprise. I turned behind me to see a redcoat with his gun pointed at me, I froze in place, not knowing what to do, when I heard a deafening noise right next to my ear. I screamed and stumbled backwards, knocking into Hercules who held me close as I trembled. I was waiting for the searing pain of a bullet wound, but it never came as I watched the enemy in front of me clutch his chest and stumble around for a few seconds before tumbling to the ground.
"Hey, Laf, are you okay?" I heard Hercules ask me, though I could barely hear it over the ringing in my ears. I nodded as he spoke again:
"Sorry about that, you didn't pull your gun out so I fired for you, hey, stop shaking it's okay, I'm here." He was being so sweet, a tear rolled down my face, I wiped it away with my shaking hand and smiled at my saviour to show I was grateful.
"Let's go find somewhere saf-"
"Don't move." I felt Hercules stiffen as another voice joined our conversation.
"Either of you move, and I'll shoot." He said again, and I could hear the clicking of a gun. I began to whimper, ever since I saw John get shot, I had been a lot weaker on the field.
"What do you want?" Hercules demanded, though his voice shook slightly, and his arms tightened around my waist.
"I saw what you did to my comrade, the one in front of Frenchie there," he snarled, pointing with his gun to the fallen redcoat.
"So?" Hercules asked, I started shaking again, why couldn't he just do what the soldier said?
"So, I want to avenge him. Stay still." The soldier demanded, pointing his gun at Hercules' chest.
"NON, NE LE FAIS PAS!" (No, please don't do it!) I yelled, scared out of my mind for what he would do to Hercules.
"Oh shut it, Frenchie, you're next." He growled at me, I shut my mouth.
"Now, this won't hurt a bit, if you die quick enough." He said, an evil glint in his eyes. I watched in horror as he placed his finger on the trigger and went to pull it.
"NO!" I scream, pushing Hercules behind me and cocking my gun.
The deafening sound of a gunshot filled my ears as we both shot.
This time I felt it, the shocking pain of metal puncturing my skin, burning through my chest into my heart. I screamed in utter pain, as did the man who I shot to save my dear friend.
My name was being shouted, though I could hardly hear it over the sound of blood rushing in my ears.
"Laf oh god no, no no no nonononono, please no, you're okay, I promise, you're okay, you hear me? You're OKAY!" He repeated, cradling me, rocking me back and fourth. It was all happening so quickly, I didn't quite know what was happening.
"C'mon, you're fine, you'll get through this, let's breathe, okay? Breathe with me- In. Out. In. Out." Hercules was sobbing now, his words shaken and rushed. I cracked a smile, knowing that this was the only time I could say this again, I told him.
"Please, don't cry, mon amour, I did say I'd take a bullet for you, non? Look at me, I'm not going to survive this, I don't even know if I'll live to tell you the rest of this, but please, mon amour, keep living for me, okay? I know it will be hard, but please keep going, I know you can. Whenever you feel lost, I will be with you, I love you, mon amour, I bid you adeiu."
"No, don't say that, you're going to live, you need to, I LOVE YOU LAFAYETTE! DO NOT LEAVE ME NOW! PLEASE" he was shouting, pleading now, a weak smile appears on my face upon hearing his words, and before my life drained, I managed to tell him one last thing-
"I love you, mon Hercules, always have, always will."

*Alexander's PoV*

From where I was on the field, I could just make out a noise, it sounded like a wail. I ran to the source to see a soldier cradling another. I walked over to them to see if I could help the poor man, when I realised; it was Hercules. I couldn't quite see who he was holding, he was kneeling on the floor holding them close to him. They must've been important to him.
"Hercules, what's happened? Who is that?" I called, he was howling, not even noticing me.
"Hercules?" I whispered crouching down beside him to try and see who it was.
The first thing I noticed was the blood, so much blood, and two redcoats' bodies, one behind and one in front of Hercules and the dead man.
"A-Alexander?" Hercules questioned, his voice hoarse from crying.
"He's gone... I, I couldn't do anything- I tried!" He sobbed, holding the body tighter.
"Who is it? Did you know them?" I asked softly, he let the body fall out of his arms, the dead soldier falling to the grass. I gasped in shock not believing it for a second.
"L-Laf?" I whispered, tears already spilling.
Hercules and I held each other and sobbed, not caring for the advancing redcoats. John was dead, Lafayette was dead, what was the point?

I'll be honest, it wasn't great, but for my first one shot, it wasn't that bad. So yeah, everyone dies in the end, sorry for rushing Laf's death, and let's hope the next one shot is better


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