Patching up (Mullette)

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Hey, how are you?
Third prompt is patching each other up, although only one person will be 'patched up' in this.
Modern Au (as always)
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of blood and injury.

*Lafayette'z PoV*

Like a normal Saturday, I was sat on the couch watching some old romance drama on TV. This was until I heard a pounding at my door.
"J 'arrive tout de suite!" I shout, standing up and pacing over to my door.
Upon opening it, someone falls against me making me lose my balance. We fall onto the floor of the hallway, and I realise it is Hercules.
"mon dieu, Hercules! What is wrong?" I ask as he slowly stands.
"Sorry, I didn't know where to go, you were closest..." he mumbles. I push myself off of the ground.
This is when I take in his face.
He has a bloody nose and a bruised eye, as well as a swollen lip and several other bruises littered around his face.
"Hercules!" I gasp, closing the door and bringing him inside.
"What happened?" I ask, setting him on the couch and turning off the TV.
"Some guys that I know came up to me and stared talking about you and how dumb French people were. Let's just say that 3 guys against 1 isn't the best fight I've gotten into, me being the 1..." he laughs lightly and I shake my head.
"Why would you be so stupid? I don't care if people talk bad about me, I know that I am not 'dumb', so there is no need to fight!" I exclaim, running to the kitchen to find my first aid kit.
I return to him and he looks drowsy.
"Hercules, what will I do with you?" I ask shaking my head.
"Not much at the moment." He says, I roll my eyes.
"Very funny, now take your shirt off." I instruct, he does so and gives me a wink. I shake my head again and give him a light tap on his arm.
"Do you want my help?" I ask. He nods.
"Then stop being immature." I say to him, examining the large bruise on his stomach.
"That looks painful." I comment as I rub some cream in it to help dull the pain. (Is that how it works?)
I then move onto his face, wiping the blood away with a wipe and looking at the other bruises and now slightly swollen eye.
"You should not get yourself hurt for me, it isn't right." I scold, rubbing more cream around his eye and the other bruises that adorn his face.
"But it is right! You're my closest friend and I'm going to stick up for you!" He protests, I shush him and turn my attention to his swollen lip.
"Honestly, no need for violence." I mutter, standing up and heading back to the kitchen. I wet a paper towel and walk back to Hercules, kneeling down and holding the towel to his lip.
"Hold this." I say to him, and he holds the paper to his lip.
"Would you like a drink? I have hot chocolate." I ask, he nods his head and I make my way to the kitchen to make the drinks.
I return to Hercules and hand him his drink, taking the paper towel and throwing it away.
I sit next to him on the couch and feel him put his arm round me. I turn the TV back on and we watch the end of the romance movie as I cuddle into him, sipping my drink.
"Thank you." He whispers.
"vous êtes les bienvenus" I whisper back, setting my empty cup on the table and falling asleep in his arms.

What's up? It feels like so long since I've updated this, but it was only a few days ago.
The most awkward thing is when you tell someone that you're writing and then they ask what you're writing.
I don't want to tell them that I'm writing fanfiction, so I tell them that I'm writing 'random stuff'
Cha cha real smooth.


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