1,2,3,4,5,6,7- (Philidosia)

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So, I think Philidosia is adorable, and so now I'm going to make sad.
I'm sure you can guess what's going to happen. Maybe not.
Trigger Warning: Death, guns.

*Theo's PoV*

"You're going to what?" I say to Phillip, my best friend even though out dad's don't get along.
"I'm going to duel George Eaker." He repeats, looking me in the eyes. I shift uncomfortably.
"Now, hold on Phillip, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, what if you-"
"Nope. Not gonna happen." He cuts me off as he knows what I'm going to say.
"I'm sorry, I'm a Hamilton with pride, if someone talks about my father I can not let it slide!" He protests, flailing his arms about as he speaks. I roll my eyes at his over-enthusiasm.
"Do you even know how to duel?" I ask him, already knowing his answer.
"Well, no... BUT, I'm gonna ask my pops!" He shouts, again with the flailing hands.
"Look, just, think this though, 'kay?" I plead.
The thing with Phillip is: when he has his mind set on something, you can't get him to back down.
I go to say something to him when we hear my dad downstairs.
"Phillip, your father is here!" He calls, Phillip groans.
"Coming Mr Burr!" Phillip shouts back, and grabs his stuff to leave. I follow him out of my room.
"Did you have fun, Pip?" Mr Hamilton asks Phillip, ruffling his curly hair.
"Yeah, c'mon let's go, I need to talk to you." My best friend says, shooting me a look. They walk out of the door, leaving me and dad stood there.
"What's happened?" Dad asks.
"Phillip's gonna duel this kid called George Eaker. I'm gonna stop him." I say, and run to my room.

"Phillip's PoV*

"Okay, here's what you're gonna do." Pops says. I've told him about my duel, and now he's giving me advice. I listen intently.
"Stand there like a man until Eaker is in front of you. When the time comes, fire your weapon in the air, this will put an end to the whole affair." He finishes, and I take a step back in surprise.
"B-but what if he decides to shoot? Then I'm a gonner!" I protest, suddenly extremely nervous.
"No. You'll follow suit if he's truly a man of honour. To take someone's life, that is something you can't shake; Philip, your mother can't take another heartbreak..." Pops says, guilt flooding his voice as he speaks.
"Promise me, you don't want this young man's blood on your conscious." He tells me, a dark look in his eyes, one that only someone who's seen the things he has can have.
"Okay I promise-"
Come back home when you're done, take my guns, be smart. Make me proud, son." He finishes, ruffling my hair.
I swallow the lump in my throat as I take the guns, they are heavy in my hands. I leave the house and begin my journey to New Jersey.

"Theo's PoV*

I manage to get word of where the duel is taking place. New Jersey.
"Dad, can we go out somewhere?" I ask, tugging on my father's sleeve.
"Where to?" He asks, looking at me.
"Maybe, I don't know, New Jersey?" I ask hopefully, trying not to look suspicious.
"Interesting request, but I don't see why not. We'll head off now, why don't we." Dad suggests, and I nod before running to find a jacket and boots.

(Smol time-skip to time of duel, still Theo's PoV)

In the distance, I see them. They're stood back to back, guns at the ready. A small crowd has formed.
"Hey, dad, can I go off on my own for a bit? We can meet back here in an hour." I say, and he looks at me with curious eyes.
"I suppose so, I'll go check out a few bookstores or something. Don't get lost, don't go off with strangers, and we'll meet back here in an hour."
"Thanks dad!" I exclaim, and kiss him on the cheek before running off to save my friend.

*Phillip's PoV*

"The duel will commence after we count to 10." I say, determined and adrenaline-filled.
Look him in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require, then slowly and clearly aim your gun towards the sky! I think, and the crowd begin to chant.
"WHOA, WAIT!" I hear George shout, I turn around, startled.
A ringing fills my ears as Eaker's gun fires.
A girl screams.
A girl I know screams.
Oh no.
Oh god no.
"THEO!" I scream, dropping my gun and running to her in a panic.
"OH MY GOD THEO WHAT THE HELL GET UP!" I yell, dropping by her side and turning her to face me.
"What are you doing here? What the hell were you thinking?" I sob, clutching her tightly.
"I-I came here w-with my father- to-" she coughs up blood.
"To save you."
"Oh my god, you know her?" I hear George say. He sounds scared.
"Theo, please, you're so stupid sometimes. Your dad, where is he?" I get no reply.
"Stay with me, Theo, stay with me!" I beg, tears falling onto her face.
"Phillip- I'm not sorry, I'd do it again. Tell my dad I love him-" she chokes out, a tear falling down her face.
"It hurts..." she whispered, that was the last thing she said.
I sit there, clutching her and howl.
"DAMN IT IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!" I scream, and I hear the crowd gasp and mumble as someone runs to the front.

*Burr, Sir's PoV*

I hear screaming, and see a crowd in the distance. I run over to see what's going on, pushing my way to the front of the crowd.
"What's going on he-"
"Oh my god..." I whisper, my hand flying to my mouth as I see my little girl being cradled by a howling boy, Phillip Hamilton. Next to them, staring in shock is another boy, he is holding a gun.
"My- no- Theodosia." I let out a sob, feeling the stares of onlookers. I drop to my knees next to Phillip, who doesn't seem startled by my presence. Without a word, he gives me my daughter, my child, the only family I have left. I sob, and hear the other boy, the one with the gun, speak up.
"W-were you her father?" He asks. I nod my head, not trusting my words.
"I'm so sorry, she-" he cuts himself off, but even if he said anything else, I don't hear him.
Phillip holds Theodosia with me, as the crowd disperses along with the boy, the boy who I will never forget. George Eaker.

So, that was sad, bad, and also annoying because I had to rewrite it. I was going to post it yesterday, but it didn't save so I just had to write it now.


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