I may not live to see our glory (Hamilsquad?)

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Wooooo more angst. We love angst. I'm going to stop talking now and get on with the story.
Trigger Warning: Mention of death.
Modern Au

"Lafayette's PoV*

It was a cold day when the letter arrived, the type of cold that shows the season transitioning from autumn to winter, my favourite time of the year.
I could hear the brisk knocking at the door, and made my way through the living room of my small apartment to answer it. While I had a lot of money, I did not like to brag by having flashy things like big houses or fancy cars.
I open the door to see the mailman, he handed me a letter, with Marquis de Lafayette inked in curly letters on the front. The letter was from South Carolina, presumably from my good friend John Laurens. I thanked the man, and closed the door as he made his way to the next place of delivery. I was privileged to live on the first floor, it was a good job as I wasn't too keen on heights.
Excitement bubbling through me, I open the letter from John, and begin to read it.
Marquis de Lafayette,
On Tuesday the 27th of August, my son, John Laurens was shot in a gun fight against a group of drunk men. They did not mean to shoot him, but he had been in the crossfire when trying to break these men up. As you know, my son was eager to end racism and discrimination by starting the charity 'PeopleArePeople'. This charity has died with him.
It pains me deeply to say that my son is no longer with us, his funeral will take place on September 15th at 9:00am, and he is to be buried at Mepkin Abbey, here in South Carolina. We hope you can make it,
Sincerely, H.Laurens.
I read through it again, not quite believing it the first time, as tears welled up in my eyes.
"Non...John, mon ami, s'il te plait dis moi que ce n'est pas vrai..." I mumbles to the air, hot tears falling down my face onto the letter which I held in my shaking hands.
"Je t'en prie, non," I say, learning against the table for support.
I hear a series of knocks at my door, I ignore it, just wanting to curl up and leave the world. My poor John, he did not deserve it.
"L-Laf? Where are you?"
"Je suis là." I call out, trying to push down the lump in my throat. He runs to me, I assume he let himself in, and took me in his arms. I completely let go of anything I was holding on too to stop myself falling apart, and howled into his shoulder. We sobbed together until we felt another pair of arms wrap around us.
"Alex!" Hercules cried, enveloping him in our hug.
"I-I went to your apartment, Herc, I-I-I thought you would be there, but you weren't so I came here, and, oh god why him?!" Alexander exclaimed, as we held each other, not wanting to let anyone go. We believed that if we stayed in this heap of tears and warmth we would be safe. It was calming to some degree, especially in this heartbreaking time.

*John's PoV*

I stood in Lafayette's kitchen, watching them hug and cry, I myself felt a tear run down my pale face.
"I'm so sorry guys, really! I didn't mean to get in the way, but if I didn't get hurt then one of the other men would've, and I couldn't let that thought slide. Please forgive me, and please, please, please don't forget me, okay."
I knew I was talking to myself, but I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a woman, around the age of 39, with brown hair and eyes, a kind face with a few freckles.
"Who are you?" I asked the woman, she smiled at me.
"I see you know my son, Alexander." She said. I stared in disbelief for a moment before saying, "You're Alex's mom? It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm John Laurens, I am- uh was a good friend of his!" She chuckled and hugged me, I hugged back, pulling away to look at my friends who had calmed down a little, but still in shock and despair.
"I'll miss you guys, but we will meet again." I said to them, as Alex's mother led me away from them to show me where I would live out the rest of my days.

Awwww have some angst with a happy ending because I'm such a nice person.


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