Late night thoughts (Mullette)

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Hey people!
I saw a prompt and thought of Laf.
"Came for the accent, stayed for the existential crisis"
Modern Au
Trigger Warnings: None

*HercuHerc's PoV*

I love my husband, but let me tell you one thing: you do not want to be in bed with him if you're trying to sleep.
Yeah he's great to cuddle up to, he's warm and generally calming - but when it's 3am, and you have work the next day, his 'late night thoughts' make you want to push a knife slowly into his chest...
...Okay maybe a little extreme, but you get the idea.
When I first met Laf, it was great. He was an awesome person to be around, and I loved him.  What drew me in was his accent. I adore the French accent. I asked him out, he said yes, then after 4 years of being together, I proposed. He cried, I cried, he said yes, and we got married a year later.
So life was going great.
Until he started drinking coffee before bed.
I don't know why, but coffee sends him into this weird mode that makes him question everything. I don't have a problem with it, unless of course I have work the next day and I suddenly hear:
'What's the actual reason we're alive?'
'I don't know Laf, go to sleep.'
'But what if we're just alive because God is planning to use us as an army against other Gods?'
'Then he can hurry up because that would be a lot more interesting than having to hear your thoughts when I have work later'
Y'know, things like that. I heard that John suffers the same problem with Alexander, he decides to question the universe at ungodly hours too.
Sometimes it won't even be life-questioning, it'll just be:
'If we can drink water, can fish drink air?'
LIKE WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I don't know how he thinks of these things. I've asked him about it and he just says that he has a 'very active brain', but that does not account for waking me up early in the morning to ask me if 'poison can go out of date', and 'whether or not that makes it less poisonous.'
How am I meant to know? And why am I being asked this at 4'O'clock in the morning?
I love him to pieces, and I regret nothing, but why am I made to suffer this every night? I could put up with it every once in a while, but now I just wait for him to ask a question.
What's worse is when he forgets that I don't speak French, so he'll just start random conversations with me in his language while I just pretend to be asleep so I don't have to pretend I know what he's on about. 
But I'll tell you what, whenever he goes away to France, I miss his late night thoughts. They've almost became a comfort as well as annoying me like hell.
He makes me question so much about life, and I wonder how his brain can come up with such things. It's like when he starts talking about parallel universes, I don't know how to respond to him. He's kind of scary. But I love him, and I wouldn't change him ever.
I suppose I came for the accent, and since I haven't left him,  stayed for the existential crisis.

Hey sorry it's short, but I wasn't sure what to wright. I'll write another chapter after this to make up for it.


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