That red string (Lams)

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Hey people, guess what, angst.
So the Au is the second one down, the red string of fate, but with a twist. When your soulmate dies, the string turns black and leads you to your soulmate's body.
I'm sure you can guess what's gonna happen.
Soulmate Au
Trigger Warning: Death.

*HamilHams PoV*

I raise my gun to a redcoat, just as I see another stand on a parapet, frantically waving a white flag. The redcoat in front of me lets out a shaky sigh and drops to his knees in either defeat or relief. I put down my gun.
Is this it? Have we won?
We negotiate the terms of surrender, I see George Washington smile, and we escort their tired men out of Yorktown.
We've done it, we've won.
"WE WON!" I hear someone shout, soon every man is shouting.
I let a tear slip as I join the chorus of yelling, just making out the drinking song being sung by the British:
"The world's turned upside down"
It's relief all around, church bells ringing, people yelling, and I look down at the string on my finger connecting me to my dearest John Laurens. It's moving slightly, and I imagine it's because he's jumping up and down in happiness. I smile at the thought, and join my comrades in our retreat.

*John's PoV*

The war was raging, and I just dodged my third encounter with a bullet in my skull.
Can't someone just give up?
I pull on the string that connects me and my beloved Alexander, hoping that he'll realise something is wrong, not that he could do anything.
"IT'S THAT GUY WHO KILLED 6 OF OUR MEN!" I hear a redcoat yell, and my breath catches in my throat.
"Help..." I whimper pathetically, but I'm all alone, nobody could save me.
I was being advanced upon by three redcoats, and I calculate that I could shoot maybe one before I was shot, and even then the one I shot would not die instantly unless I got him in the right place.
I tug frantically on my string, trying to warn Alexander that I may depart with him soon, but how would he know?
"So, you kill six of our men then run off on your own. Wise decision." Sarcasm drips with his words, I back up against a tree, shaking with fear.
"Please, please leave me be!" I say, to no avail, as he lifts his gun to my chest.
"Ha, you hear that guys? He wants us to let him go!" The man with the gun says, his friends join in
"You scared?" They taunt, and I go to raise my gun, before it is kicked out of my hand by the man in front of me.
"Nice try, now let's get this over with quickly. Any last words?" He laughs.
"Raise a glass to freedom..."
"Yeah yeah, whatever."

*Alexhamders PoV*

I sat in a bar with Lafayette and Hercules, waiting for John to arrive, and Laf has just brought another drink.
He was drunk out of his mind.
Even Herc wasn't drunk.
"I'm telling you, I wass the one who kill'd ze man who tried to kill me." He slurred, Herc and I shared a look, neither of us had a clue what he was talking about.
"Well done, Laf, you showed him." Herc said with a giggle as Lafayette's face lit up. Hercules and Lafayette were soulmates, but even if they weren't, they were meant for each other.
"I zid! I really zid show zose redcoats!" Laf said, his accent thick. It was surprising he wasn't talking straight French.
I stretch my arms, and my eyes fall to the string on my finger. It's such a beautiful red, I can't help but stare at it.
I blink.
What happened? I rub my eyes and look at the string again, seeing that it has begun fading into a dark colour.
No way.
"No..." I whisper, Hercules looks up from Lafayette, who was now laying across barstools, much to the annoyance of other customers
"You okay?" Herc asked, now more concerned than he was with Laf.
"My...string," I say.
"It's gone black." I finish, already feeling the tears forming.
"Are you sure? You're not just drunk right?" Herc suggests, laughing nervously as he takes a sip of his whisky.
"I- no, it's black. That means..." I trail off and Hercules takes my hand.
"Hey, c'mon, it's okay, maybe something went wrong, and he isn't really, y'know."
"The string doesn't just 'not work,' Herc." I snap, pulling my hand away as Laf suddenly sits up.
"Zere iz something wrong?" It's more of a question than a statement, and I look at him while letting a tear slip.
"Mon ami? Are you alright?" Laf askes, slightly slipping off of his stool.
"Laf, I think something has happened to John." I say softly, like talking to a child. Maybe if I break the news to him in this way, it will be easier for me to understand.
"Oh? Vat iz it?"
No, not while he's drunk.
"He- won't be back for a while, I'll tell you when you can stand without falling." I say to him, trying to make the situation lighter.
"I can stand, look." He says, standing, then having to be caught by Herc as he collapsed onto the floor.
"Stay sat down, okay?" Hercules says to him, he nodded, giggling. Hercules turned to me.
"Alexander, I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?" He asks, I turn away.
"I need space." Is all I say before I leave the bar, not even finishing my drink.

(Time skip brought to you by drunk Lafayette)

The next day, I traveled to South Carolina, following my string. I wanted to see him one last time.
When your soulmate dies, the string turns black and leads you to them, where you can then cut the string. I had a knife with me for that reason.
The string grew shorter as I found the place he was being buried, and a man came up to me to ask me my business.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"I am John Laurens' soulmate. Please, can I see him?" I speak clearly, though I am close to sobbing in the arms of this man.
"Of course, come this way." His expression turns from one of annoyance to pity, and I follow him to a small room.
"Say your words, do what you need, then let me know when you leave." Is all he says before leaving me alone.
I had to cut the string, I'd never get over it else.
"My dearest Laurens," I begin, looking down at his body.
(I don't know how this stuff works)
"I'm so sorry I could not be here with you, you left us just before you could see our glory. I'm so sorry I am doing this, but I have to do it, I have to cut the sting. I love with my heart, and you must know by now that you mean everything to me. Please take with you the knowledge that I will see you on the other side, but for now I must go and-" I stifle a sob as I carry on.
"And live on. For both of us. I'm so sorry my dearest Laurens, this is goodbye for now."
I give a loud sob as I bring the knife to the string that connects us.
It took no longer than a few seconds before the bond was broken, I leave the room crying, not bothering to find the man. I make the long journey back to New York.

That's another one done, hope you liked it because it's 2:40am and I haven't slept.
Thank you to everyone who has read any of these one shots, I appreciate all of you!


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