Sleeping in (Mullette)

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Anyway, I was talking to a friend, and they requested wholesome Mullette (their @ is Liv_underdasea)
Prompt is sleeping in, so it's gonna be wholesome.
Modern Au
Trigger Warnings: None (except for slight cringe at the end 😂)

*SpyOnTheInside's PoV*

By the time I wake up, it's 11am. I groan in annoyance as I really wanted to be up early. Sunlight streams in through the curtains, and I suddenly jump as I hear shuffling next to me.
I live alone...
I am single...
Is there a serial killer next to me?
I slowly turn over and nearly fall out of bed when I see a certain Frenchman asleep next to me.
Now I'm even more confused.
I consider the pros and cons of waking him, but eventually come to the conclusion that it needs to be done.
"Uhh, Laf? Wake up." I say, shaking him awake. He opens his eyes and blinks as he adjusts to the light.
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux?" He mutters in a thick accent, and I don't understand a word of what he says.
His eyes suddenly shoot open as he must've realised what happened and where he was.
"Mhm, yep. Now what are you doing in my bed?" I ask, noticing a blush on his face.
"Uhh, what time is it?" He asks haistly, trying to see the clock.
"11am, now what are you doing in my bed?" I question again. I can tell were both confused.
"I do not know, what happened last night? My head is uh...killing." Laf says to me, pulling the covers back and scrambling out of my bed, nearly tripping over his own feet.
"I dunno, though I think there was something to do with going out." I shrug, then it hits me.
Laf, John, Alex and I went out last night as we did every Friday. I didn't drink anything because I was the elected driver, but the others got wasted.
I rember dropping John and Alex off at Alex's apartment, letting them do whatever they wanted to do, then I took Laf back with me because I can never remember where his house is.
I look up to see Lafayette stumbling around, holding his head and grumbling in French.
"I have paracetamol downstairs, want me to grab it?" I ask. He nods at me.
I slide out of my bed and leave the room, hearing Laf follow slowly behind me.
"It's so late." He complains. It's funny–he's not a morning person in the slightest (we've had a lot of sleepovers with John and Alex) but he hates waking up late.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but at least you got a good rest." I reason, and I assume he nodded because he made a kind of 'uh hu' noise.
It takes me a few minutes to find the paracemol and fill a glass with water, but when I return to my French friend, he has his head (Ooooo lots of 'H') on the table, talking French to himself again.
I get his attention and he looks up at me. I hand him the pills and water which he takes greatfully, swallowing the pills down with the water.
"Merci mon ami, you are kind." He thanks, leaning back in the chair.
"Hungry?" I ask. He nods at me, smiling slightly.
"Okay, let's have brunch!" I exclaim, but not too loudly, beacsue I'm considerate.
I look at Laf who stared blankly at me before asking:
"What is 'brunch'?" He does the little air quote thing with his hands.
"Ohh, it's like late breakfast early lunch." I explain, and he seems to understand.
"Okay, let's have brunch." He smiles, standing up and swaying a little.
I head to the fridge and pull out bacon, eggs and butter, then the bread from the bread bin.
I decide on bacon and egg sandwiches because it's one of the only things I can make without burning.
After a few minutes of cooking, Laf leave the room, complaining about the 'nausuating smell of bacon'. I leave him to it.
I finish cooking and lay the food out, bringing it into the living room where Laf is layed on the couch.
"Get up ya hungover French fry." I laugh, setting the food on the little coffee table.
"I'm not French!" He suddenly protests, picking up a sandwich and taking a bite of it. I wait for a few moments and watch the realisation of what he just said dawn in him.
"I-I mean–I'm not a French fry..." He mumbled, blushing and looking away. I giggle and eat my sandwich, which tastes amazing by the way.

*Time skip brought to you by hungover Laf*

Laf and I were now laying on my sofa together watching spongebob reruns and eating popcorn. I had my arm around his waist and he was laying in front of me. It was peaceful and quiet except for the TV.
"Je t'aime, Hercules." Laf suddenly says out of the blue, and I feel him suddenly stiffen in shock. I have no idea what he said.
"Nice." I say, pretending I understand.
"You-you understood that?" He suddenly cries, turning to look at me. We were very close.
"Honestly, nope." I admit, he sighs in relief.
"Good." He says, turning back around to watch the TV.
I, being curious, pulled out my phone and opened Google translate. I didn't know how to spell it, so it looked something like 'jetayme', but other options came up of French words similar so I clicked one.
'Je t'aime=I love you'
I drop my phone on Laf's neck in shock.
"OW!" He protests, picking up my phone which had fallen to the carpet.
He stops dead as he looks at the screen, and he turns to me, blushing for the third time today. I think I'm blushing too.
"I-I can explain..." He stammers, looking like he was ready to cry.
"You love me?" I ask, looking him in his brown eyes.
"......yes." he mumbled, looking guilty.
"Good." I say, he gives me a questioning look.
"Because if not, this would be extremely awkward." I laugh,
and I kiss him.
I'm happy to know that he kisses back, and we stay like that for a minute, before pulling away.
"Uhh-ha-uhm, wow." Laf stutters, bright red now.
"Lafayette, would you do the honour of going on a date with me?" I ask nervously, because to be honest, I've liked him for a long time.
He smiles like an idiot and says yes, hugging me tight.
After a few moments, I mumble:
"Damn, we just kissed infront of SpongeBob."
"Shut up and kiss me again."

Yassss, I hope this lived up to your expectations, and there was no death...just slight cringe at the end.
So thanks for 666+ reads, I'm honestly so happy, that was my main goal 😂


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