"Please, I can't dance!" (No ship)

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Ooookay so this isn't a ship, but I saw this thing about Lafayette being forced to dance and just embarrassing himself so I'm gonna write about it.
Trigger Warning: None

*Large Baguette's PoV*

This is it. I'm going to a dance at the French royal Court. Marie Antoinette will be there, the Queen of France.
"Mon dieu..." I mutter, so nervous my hands are shaking wildly. Maybe I can get lucky and sit by the drinks all night, or hide in the bathroom.
To put it simply, I can't dance. I am far to 'clumsy' for that, so god knows what will happen if I'm invited to dance. I could refuse, but that would make me seem cowardly, so refusal is not an option. I could say that I need to use the bathroom. That's an idea.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror and decide that I look decent enough to show myself in the same place as the King and Queen, before heading out to Royal Court.
"Dieu aide moi." I mumble as I walk down the road. I only live 7 minutes away, so it is better for me to walk than go by any other means. I find the building and make my way inside.

(Smol time skip)

I'm only a quarter of a way through my first drink when I am approached by a woman. I put my drink down and smile at her, only to stare in shock at who I see before me.
Marie Antoinette.
I stand quickly, nearly tripping as I do so, and drop into a deep bow, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Y-your Ma-"
"Care to dance? Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette, is it not?" She asks, and I tremble slightly.
"S'il vous plaît, appelez-moi juste Lafayette." I say, standing straight and trying to look confident. I watch her expressions turn slightly confused as she processes what I've said to her, and I go to repeat myself in English before she says:
"Ah, of course, Lafayette. Would you care to dance?" She asks again, holding out her hands. I gulp and nod my head, desperately trying to push my nerves down. I take her hand as we make our way to the dance floor, everyone watches.
"Seigneur aide moi..." I think to myself, as she leads the dance.
Don't mess up.
Don't mess up.
Don't. Mess. Up.
"OH MON DIEU!" I shout, as I trip over my feet and crash to the ground.
Damn it, Lafayette.
Well done.
"Pfft, oh dear, are you alright?" The Queen asks, trying not to laugh. She fails. She bursts out laughing and points at me in front of everyone. I blink back tears of frustration and humiliation as I pick myself up and storm out of the building.
At home, I throw myself onto my bed, without even taking my shoes off, and sob into my pillow.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" I shout to no one, as I drown in self pity.
I cry out my humiliation and sadness before eventually picking myself up, changing into pyjamas and letting my hair down.
I fall asleep on my damp pillow, and stay like that until 1pm the following day.

Poor Laf. So that was actually fun to write.
I may do more like that in the future.


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