Lost (Jamilton)

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Thank you guys so much, and sorry for the infrequent updates, I don't want to make excuses but I've been tired and stuff like that.
ANY WAY, I'm gonna write stuff based off of the image up there, in order!
First up, getting lost somewhere.
Modern Au
Trigger Warnings: None

*Washing machine's PoV*

"And remember boys, stick to the track and do not get lost." I tell Alexander and Thomas. I decided to take everyone at the office camping since they have worked so hard. John, Lafayette, Hercules, James Madison, Aaron, Thomas and Alexander are all here, and I've asked the two enemies to go and search for wood to make a fire.
As far as anyone knows, it's so they can bond better, but really it's so we can all get some peace while they're gone.
"Of course, sir, you don't have to worry." Thomas tells me. They walk away in silence.

*Macoroni's PoV*

We're lost.
I'm lost in the middle of the woods with Hamilton.
It's getting dark.
Help me.
"This is your fault!" Hamilton accuses, pointing at me.
"How? You're the one who decided we'd find better fire wood if we left the track!" I retorted as I kicked a rock.
"Well, I think you should stop being an arrogant idiot and help me find our way back to camp." He stated, walking off again.
"I think it's this way." I say, pointing in the opposite direction. Hamilton turned around and scoffed.
"Since when did you become the expert?" He replied in a mocking voice.
"Since you started walking in the direction we came here from." I rolled my eyes as I spoke and set off in the direction we hadn't been in yet.
"Whatever, but I don't need your opinion."
"Keep talking, Hamilton."
"Oh screw you!"

*an hour later, they return to camp.*

"boys, where have you been? You've been gone for 3 hours!" Washington exclaims as we arrive.
"We were finding better wood."
"We were bonding."
Hamilton and I said in unison, receiving an eye roll from our boss.
"You got lost, oui ?" Laf suddenly spoke, taking the wood from me to make a fire.
"Yeah, but it was Jefferson's fault!" Hamilton protested, I stood there in mock offence.
"Sorry, but weren't you the one who decided that we would find better wood if we went off of the track?" I responded, Hamilton glared at me.
"Oh, there's been a complication, we're a tent short." James says, emerging from his tent.
I dreaded those words, and knew exactly what would be said next.
"Has there? Laf was the one providing the tents and he's not someone to just get something wrong." Hamilton spoke, and I turned to my cousin to see him trying to hide his smirk.
That French baguette planned this.
He wants Hamilton and I to share a tent because he doesn't care about my dignity and pride.
"You and Thomas will have to share a tent." John says, joining our conversation.
"My apologies, I must've been tired." Lafayette lies.
I'll get him back.
"But sir!" The gremlin tries to protest.
"No buts, son, your tent had been set up so go and unpack. It's only for 3 nights, you won't kill eachother I'm sure."
Hamilton stormed off with his classic 'I'm not'cha son', closing the tent behind him.
I follow after I'm sure that my dear cousin is aware of how much I despise him right now.

*Gremlins PoV*

WHY DO I HAVE TO SHARE A TENT WITH HIM? I think to myself, knowing that this was one of Laf's sick ideas of a joke.
Jefferson suddenly bursts into the tent, not looking at me as he falls dramatically to the floor.
"Ughhhhhh" He exclaims, I laugh sarcastically.
"I don't like this as much as you, stop being dramatic." I tell him, he shoves me playfully.
"Shut up, Hamilton." He says, I shove him back.
"Make me, Jefferson." I reply, and I swear he flushes a little.
"Let's just get ready to sleep." He says quickly, rummaging in his bag for pyjamas.
"How's this going to work?" I ask.
"Do you want me to leave while you change?"
"Would be preferable."
I leave the tent awkwardly, wondering what the hell just happened.
After about two minutes, he emerges from the tent, changed into his nightclothes. I walk into the tent and change my own clothes before calling out to him softly.
We set up our sleeping bags and, due to the small tent, they were fairly close.
"Night, Hamilton." He says, cuddling up in his sleeping bag.
"Night, Tho-Jefferson." I stumble, confused as to why I nearly called him Thomas.
I think back to the woods, and how peaceful it actually was even with Jefferson there.
Maybe he isn't so bad.
I'm still gonna kill Laf though, he made the mistake of telling me about his crush on Hercules.
I fall asleep gazing at Jefferson.

Yo. Hope that was okay, I prefer writing these to the story type of thing.
Thanks again for all the reads, it honestly means so much <3


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