What's gotten into you? (Part 2)

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*Ham'z PoV*

I finish talking to John, he was telling me about an annoying woman in front of him in the queue, and decide to take a nap.
I open the door to my shared bedroom with Lafayette, and see him face-down on my bed? Seriously, he has his own bed!
Why use mine?
"Ahem," I clear my throat, which seems to startle the Frenchman as he jumps awake and falls off of my bed.
"A-Alexander! What a surprise to see you in here!" He stutters, scrambling to his feet and straightening his shirt.
"Yeah, it's not like I sleep in here or anything." I reply with joking sarcasm, he laughs nervously.
"So, what were you talking to John about?" He asks, going to sit on his own bed.
"Oh, just this woman in the shop who was paying $2.75 in coins." I explain, he nods his head seriously as though I had just told him some secret FBI mission.
He sure is a strange guy.

*Laf'z PoV*

Some woman in the shop huh? As long as there was nothing else, then there isn't a problem.
I need to get Alexander out of the house, away from John.
"Why don't you and I go and get coffee? There's that shop a block away we could go to." I suggest, and watch closely as he considers.
"Sure, why not." He agrees after an agonising 4 second wait.
"très bien alors! Let's go now." I say, standing up and grabbing my jacket. I'm so excited, I get to spend time with my Alexander!
"Uh, sure, but I can't find my jacket." He says, looking around.
I know where it is, I had hung it in my closet
"Perhaps I put it in my closet by accident?" I wonder, opening the doors and pulling it out.
"Ah yes, here it is!" I exclaim, smiling as I hand it to him.
"Thanks, lets get going then." And with that, he grabs his wallet and leaves our room.
"Yo, John, Laf and I are going out for a bit. Should I lock up or are you and Herc staying here?" He asks John who is lounging on the couch.
"Yeah, it's fine, don't lock the door." John says as he waves his hand. We leave the house and begin our walk.
"It's a wonderful day, oui?" I tell him as we walk.
"Yes, it's my favourite time of year when the leaves are turning red. Fall is beautiful." He gushes, and although I already know his favourite time of year, I could spend all day listening to him talk about it.
"It is, how you say? Stunning?" I agree, using words that I've heard Alexander use before.
We pass by a woman who is walking her dog, she smiles at us as she passes. I glare back, as Alexander smiles politely.
I wonder if I could hold his hand...
It never hurts to try.
We walk along the path and I step ever so slightly closer to him, our hands brushing. I feel him tense a little as I slip my hand into his, but he doesn't make much of an attempt to pull away.
"I-is this okay?" I ask, suddenly very nervous that I've made the wrong choice and he'll hate me forever.
"Uh, yeah I guess." He mutters, and I sneak a glance at his flushed face. He really is beautiful.
We're about five minutes from the coffee shop, hand in hand and just talking. It's wonderful to have this time with him, just us, alone. I wish it could be like this always, and it will. One day.
"Hey Laf, can I ask you something?" Alexander suddenly speaks, I turn to him giving my full attention.
"Is everything alright between you and John? There's a lot of tension between the two of you." He says as he slows his pace a little.
"Oh, everything is fine, it's just hard to talk to him sometimes." I explain, and it's true, sometimes I just can not talk to him.
"Really? What do you mean?" Alexander questions, looking up into my eyes.
"Eh, sometimes he talks a lot, goes on and on and you can't get a word in." I lie, but I'm not wrong, he talks far to much.
"I suppose, but it still seems strange that you don't seem to get on. But, I'm sure you have your reasons so I won't push- besides, we're at the coffee shop." He rambles, I love it when he rambles.
We step inside and walk to the counter, still holding hands.
"GAYYY!" We hear someone shout, Alexander flushes bright red and pulls his hand away, embarrassed. I long for his touch again.
I whip round and stare down the boy who shouted, he sinks back a little but holds my stare.
"Is there a problem?" I snap, the boy begins to look nervous.
"Haha no sir, it was just a joke, yeah?" He reasons, I step towards him.
"Just a joke? You feel it it necessary to shout in a coffee shop at two men because it is a 'joke'?" I question, stepping forward as the boy steps back.
"Look, I'm sorry, it won't happen again! Please just leave me alone!" He exclaims, swiftly leaving the shop. I watch as he runs down the road.
I return next to Alexander who looks at me in shock.
"It was okay, y'know, no need to terrorise the poor boy." He chuckles, I shake my head at him.
"He was being rude, and he embarrassed you. That kind of behaviour should not be allowed!" I protest, walking up to the barista.
"Hello sir, what can I get you?" The girl asks.
"A black coffee with no milk and 2 sugars, and another black coffee with milk and 1 sugar, š'il vous plaît." I order, taking out my card to pay.
"Okay, they'll be ready in about five minutes.
$4.95 please." She tells me as I swipe my card.
"Merci." I reply, finding a seat with Alexander.
"Thanks for paying, though I wouldn't have minded." He thanks, I smile at him.
"I said we should go, so I pay." I tell him firmly,  he nods.
"How'd you know my order anyway?" He asks, playing with a string on his jacket.
"I've seen you get it before." I say, thinking back to the may times where I've followed him and John around.
"Fair enough, but seriously, are you sure that you're okay? You seem a lot more... I don't know, tense recently." He asks, my heart melts. He cares about me!
"Of course I'm fine merci, I just have a bit on my mind is all." I explain as out coffee arrives.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me, I shake my head.
"Non, not yet. If I feel it is necessary to tell you, I shall." Is the only explanation I give. He doesn't push the subject.
After a while of talking and drinking out coffee, we get up to leave. We exit the shop, and with a little more confidence this time, slip my hand into his.
We walk back to the apartment holding hands, and I make an effort to let John see that as we walk in. He looks slightly irritated.
Good, let him know that Alexander is mine.
Mine, and only mine.

Not much to say here, so-


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