What's gotten into you? (Hamlaf/slight Lams)

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I don't know why, but it just seems so cool!!
That's why I'm gonna write about it.
Based on prompt ^^^
Modern Au
(Laf, Herc, John, and Alex share an apartment)
Trigger Warnings: Yandereness???

*Non-Stop's PoV*

"Alexander?" I hear Lafayette say as I busy myself with washing the dishes.
"I like your hair." He tells me. I smile and thank him as I turn on the water.
"Can I have a piece?"
Can he what?
"I-I'm sorry?" I stutter out, nearly dropping a dish in shock.
"Ah! Do not worry, I was only joking!" He laughs, and I give an unsure laugh in return, completely confused as to what he just asked me.
"Yo Laf, Alex, I got the stuff!" I hear John shout and I sigh in relief to know that I won't be alone with Laf.
Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy. But he's been acting...strange recently. It's kind of scary.
"Cool, put it in the fridge." I instruct as John put the milk, cheese, and chicken in the fridge.
"Ah, good to see you mom ami." Lafayette says to John, who gives one of his bright smiles and takes over the dishes.
I like John, he's a great guy. I've known him for ages and we're best friends. I might even like him, but I'm not sure yet.
We stand and talk for a bit, and Laf leaves the room.

*LaFaYeTtE's PoV*

I can't believe John just walked in and ruined Alexander and mine's conversation. How rude! I shake my head as I go to my shared room with Alexander and lay down on his bed.
I giggle to myself as I recalled our conversation, his confusion when I asked for his hair. I didn't need any, of course, I had taken some last night while he slept. It's rare for him to sleep, so I'm glad he did. He hasn't been himself recently.
You notice that about people when you love them. You notice all the little things that they do. Like for example, when Alexander is nervous he will tap his finger against his leg, or when he is excited his eyes will shine.
I love watching him, but not when he talks to John. He's in love with John and it disgusts me. Alexander is mine and should not love someone who won't give him the love he deserves.
I turn onto my front and smell the pillow, adoring the scent that I recognise as Alexander. I would do anything for him. I do anything for him now, as soon as he asks. I love helping him, I know it will bring us closer, and he'll see how much he means to me. I don't know what I'd do without him. The day that I met him I knew he was mine, and I can't let anyone take him from me!
I hear the door click and scramble off of the bed, seeing Hercules open the door and stare in confusion as I stand in the middle of the room like a deer caught in headlights.
"What are you doing?" He asks me, I smile.
"I was making Alexander's bed, it was a mess and I wanted to help him by cleaning it." I tell him, sitting down if my own bed.
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about Alex."
I freeze up upon hearing those words.
What happened?
"Oh? What about him?" I ask.
"You've been acting weirdly," he begins, walking over and sitting next to me.
"You act weird around him, possessive almost..." His voice is laced with concern, but I wave my hand dismissively and laugh.
"Non, non. I am not possessive, I just hold him close as a friend and want to help him." I explain. It's almost the whole truth.
"I don't know, I overheard the convo earlier about the hair. That was freaky." I notice Hercules shudder slightly as he speaks, I continue to defend myself.
"It was just a joke. Of course I wouldn't want any of his hair, what use would that be?" I question, Hercules shakes his head.
"I don't know man, but you also seem annoyed when Alex and John are in conversation- see, you tensed your when I mentioned John!" He exclaims, and yes, it was true, I did tense up when hearing John's name, especially with Alexander's.
"What's going on man?" He asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Nothing! Now please, I'd like to clean around this room. Au revoir!" I say hurriedly, shooing the man out of the room.
I don't deny my love for Alexander, but it is not something I want to share with others.
I sigh as I walk back to Alexander's bed, closing my eyes as I drift off to sleep.

So I think I'm gonna turn this into a mini story over the course a few chapters. What do you guys think?
I'm leaving it here because it's 5:40am and I have not slept at all.


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