Why him? (Jamilton/Slight MadiBurr)

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Hi, so I'm gonna write stories based off of these soulmate au's (not in order because why not).
The first one I'm going to do is:
"The name of your soulmate appears on your body after that person falls in love with you"
Soulmate/Collage Au.
Trigger Warning: mild self harm.

*T.Jeff's PoV*

If I told you I was excited to start collage, I wouldn't be kidding. I've been looking forward to it all summer, and now here I am. Collage. I'm hoping to be in the same classes as my friend James Madison, we've been best friends since pre-school, but we're not soulmates.
I see his short frame through the groups of students; he's sat alone near a tree with his earbuds in. As I go to walk towards him, I see a face that I thought I never wanted to see again: Alexander Hamilton.
He's with his friends John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and my French cousin Gilbert, or Lafayette as he preferred.
I groan in annoyance, and James looks up at me, probably startled.
"Hey Jemmy James, how are you?" I ask, smiling at him.
"I'm fine thanks, and you? You seem irritated..." he replies, concern overtaking his face.
"Oh I'm fine, it's just Hamilton is here." I roll my eyes and James give a short laugh, before his eyes spark with excitement.
"You'll never guess what, Thomas," James says, grabbing my attention.
"Remember Aaron Burr, the quiet kid from our class last year, well, GUESS WHAT!" He was getting more excited by the second, making me curious. He's never looked this happy, I smile.
"Well, you're gonna have to tell me, I can't guess." I tease, but he takes no notice.
"LOOK!" He practically shouts, before gesturing to his wrist. I look at it before seeing Aaron Burr written in swirly white letters. I grin at him, so happy that he found his soulmate.
"That's incredible, James! See, now you don't need to worry." I tell him excitedly.
James had always been worried, anxious even, that he didn't have a soulmate because he believed that nobody loved him. It broke my heart. Seeing him like this just made me so happy, I didn't care if I found my soulmate or not, James had found his and that's all that mattered.
The bell signalled for our first day to officially start, and I helped up my happy friend before making my way to my first class.

*Time skip brought to you by Happy James*

It was now lunch, and I was sat alone at a table. James had went to talk to Burr about 'stuff' as he called it, so here I was, eating cold mac and cheese. Alone.
"Well, this is a sight I never thought I'd see, the great Thomas Jefferson eating alone."
"At least I have to option to talk to people if I wanted, Hamilton." I spat, he rolled his eyes at me and gave a sharp laugh.
"Ooh, you're quick, aren't you." He taunted, and he was probably going to carry on if Lafayette hadn't dragged him away, shooting me an apologetic look. I smiled at him and went back to my lunch.
Now, I'll be honest with you. Today wasn't that bad, neither was Hamilton. He certainly looked better than he did in middle school. Back then he was frail and fragile looking, pale skin, eye bags, the lot. He looked healthier now, happier. That was okay, not that I cared. That much.
The way he walked, talked, and even looked appealed to me in some strange way, it confused me. One minute I want to rip his annoying head off of his annoying shoulders, and the next minute I want to know him better, maybe start over as friends, build our friendship into something mo-
Not going to do that.
That would not work out.
But maybe, if we got to know each other more, we could be friends. Just friends.
Okay, maybe I like him more than that, but shush. It's not like we're soulmates anyway, so I can secretly love him all I want and nobody needs to know.
I heard yelling coming from Hamilton's table, Laf was the one scolding Hamilton, I took no notice.

*Hammy's PoV*

"ALEXANDER, DO NOT FINISH THAT WORD!" Laf shouted, but I didn't care. I felt a sharp, needle-like stab on my wrist, and looked down to see what I had managed to do to myself this time, before seeing two dreaded words on my wrist:
Thomas Jefferson.
I was about ready to pass out, before I pushed my chair out so hard it clattered to the ground, several people staring at me as it did so.
"I NEED THE BATHROOM!" I yelled, earning sniggers from people around me, I ignored them as I raced to the bathroom and locking myself in.
Tears were already brimming my eyes as I stared down at the words embedded in my wrist, I let the tears fall as I frantically began rubbing at the words.
"Get off, get off, get off!" I cried, running to the tap and turned it on, using the water to try and wash the disgusting words off.
Skin began coming off as I rubbed my wrist raw, still the words would not disappear. It hurt so much but I couldn't care less as I continued to put myself through this torture.
Here's a list of reasons why Jefferson just COULD NOT be my soulmate:
1. He bullied me like HELL throughout middle school, to the point of where I would stay in Mr.Washington's classroom during break and lunch just to be safe.
2. He hated my guts, and I hated him too.
3. We never got along, at all.
I was sobbing at this point, my wrist now bleeding, but the words remained.
Just then I heard the door slam open, revealing none other than him.
"GET OUT!" I cry, snatching my hand away from what was actually boiling hot water.
"H-Hamilton? What are you doing?" He stuttered, panic flooding his features.
"Nothing that concerns you, leave." I whimper pathetically, his eyes trail to my bloody wrist and he gasps, whether from the sight of the wrist itself, or the fact that his name is on there. Or both.
"Oh my god, Hamilton let me see your arm." Thomas says, holding his hand out for me to show him. There's not point in resisting, so I bring my arm up to his hand and he looks at it with glazed over eyes.
"Hamilton, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know that we were..." his voice trailed off, trembling as he took a paper towel from the box next to the sink and said:
"This is gonna hurt, okay?" Before pressing it to my wrist. I let out a sharp cry as tears continued to fall.
We ended up on the floor, him kneeling as I sat criss cross on the tiles. My wrist had stopped bleeding, but stung when you touched it, and it was red and raw.
"So, you're my soulmate?" I question, my voice weak from crying. He just nods looking guilty and sad. I get up onto my knees, wincing as I press my hand to the floor, and hug him tightly. We stay like that for a minute before he wraps his arms around me, holding me close.
"I'm sorry, sorry for everything," Thomas starts, his voice shaking.
"For middle school, for making your life hell, for making you hurt yourself like that..." he buried his head into the crook of my neck, and I felt his tears as they fell.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles, holding me tighter.
"It's okay, Thomas, and please, call me Alexander, or Alex." I say, and I feel him smile.
"Thank you so much, Alex." Thomas says, before I hear a quiet
"What's wrong?" I ask him, as he jerks his wrist away.
We look down at his wrist and smile. On the skin of his arm were two words:
Alexander Hamilton.

Yaaaaaay! This is my longest chapter, 1397 words to be precise. It's fairly uncommon to see a happy James, so I decided to make him happy in this, yes he and Burr (sir) got together.


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