Lazy day (Hamlaf)

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Hello pidgeons!
Happy pride month 👌🏻
Prompt is lazy day.
Modern Au (it autocorrected to Australian)
Trigger Warnings: none



I curse in French as an alarm rings from somewhere in my bedroom, and I feel the bed shift as the other person in my bed, hopefully my boyfriend, reaches for the alarm and throws it at the wall.
"Estúpida alarma puede ir al infierno." I hear Alexander mumble, in Spanish, pulling the covers over his head and rolling over into my chest.
"Zat vas zee...alarm. Vee need to get up." I mutter, too tired to make my words understandable.
"Nooo, we need to sleeeeeeep." Alexander whines, curling up.
"Vee need to-"
"Fine, but I am not to blame if you get annoyed later." I say, ending the discussion. If sleep is what he wants, sleep is what he gets. Even if he hates sleeping in.
I personally don't mind spending the day in bed, it is quiet and peaceful. You can relax.
"Mmf." My gremlin of a boyfriend makes a strange noise as he buries his head closer to me, holding me close.
He's like a koala, clinging onto me all the time. It is cute.
"Coffee?" I ask, hoping he says no so I don't have to move.
"Mhm, we'll both go get it." Is his reply as he reluctantly detaches himself from me, sliding out of the warm bed. I do the same and trudge to the kitchen, turning on the coffee machine.
"Can we watch a movie?" Alexander asks, grabbing some mugs for the coffee.
"Which one?" I ask.
"Hmm, I like Moana..."
"Moana it is then!" I announce, pouring the coffee and taking it out to the living room.
We take our seats on the couch, Alexander cuddled into me, and we watch Moana while sipping our coffee. Alexander falls asleep during 'Shiny', but I finish watching the movie.
When it is finished, I switch off the TV and carry the sleeping gremlin back to bed, where we both sleep until around 4pm.

Sorry for the smol chapter, but I couldn't think of much for this prompt.
I gotta say,  Moana is the best Disney movie in my opinion.


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