Partyyyyyyyy (Final)

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Let's just get on with it...

*James' PoV*

Okay, this is the second most terrifying thing I've done in my life.
The first being letting Thomas push me full speed round a shopping mall in a shopping cart.
Anyway, I'm sitting here, some fancy cocktail in my hand, watching my friends have fun on the dance floor.
The only one drunk is Thomas' cousin, Lafayette, as he has the lowest alcohol tolerance I've ever seen in a man. I'm surprised he can still stand up.

*Alexander's PoV*

"Laf, jesus christ, sit down." I sigh, as I watch Lafayette nearly walk straight into a pillar.
He's only had one glass of wine, yet you'd think he had ten of the strongest alcohols in this hall.
"Non, mon petit lion, je vais bien, je vais bien!" He slurrs, grinning widely as he repeats himself.
I give up with him.
Ooooh god.
"Your Mag-George!" I reply with sarcastic enthusiasm, as the King appears next to me.
"How's the party?" He asks me, looking excited.
"It's actually pretty cool. I like the champagne and the balloons. The food is great as well." I reply, which makes him even more happy, if possible.
"EXCELLENT! It is rather wonderful! I must say, that alcohol you brought is quite splendid. I like it very much." He comments, walking off to talk to James Madison, who looks a little ill.
I wonder if I should tell the King that I brought the alcohol from a cheap store when we arrived in Britain...
Nah, who cares.

*Eliza's PoV*

I love how beautifully decorated this hall is, and the food is wonderful. Peggy and Angelica seem to be enjoying themselves, dancing with eachother.
I'm sat with George Washington, the man looks awefully stressed as Lafayette trips over his feet and crashes painfully to the ground.
"Are you feeling okay, Sir?" I ask Washington, placing my wine glass on a table.
"Fine thank you, Elizabeth, it's just the fact that I already have one plastered child to deal with, and if Jefferson keeps taking shots of champagne, I fear I'll have another to deal with." He sighs, downing a shot of whisky.
"I'm sure it will be fine, don't worry about them." I reasure, patting his hand.
"LIZZIE, JOIN US!" Peggy shouts, grasping my hand and whisking me away with her and Angelica.
The music blares as we spin around in our new dresses.

*Thomas' PoV*

"How many have you taken?" I hear the voice of Alexander ask as he sits next to me.
"12." I reply, gesturing to the shot glass and champagne bottle.
"You can still remember how many, you're not drunk yet." The short man laughs, grabbing a bottle and downing half of it, before a look of horror crosses his face.
"Oh my god..." He mumbles, reading the lable.
"What is it?" I ask, leaning over to read it.
"Apple juice."
"So? What's wrong with apple juice, except for the fact that it was put in with the rest of the alcohol." I question, taking the bottle.
"I'm allergic to apples damn it." He sulks, slamming his head on the table.
"Badly?" I ask.
"Nah, but I'll be vomiting like hell in a few minutes." He grumbled.
I laugh at his sheer stupidity and stand him up. May as well take him to the bathroom.
I find my way to the overly decorated toilets and stand behind Alexander as he throws up into the toilet bowl, complaining at himself for being an idiot.
"Hold my hair back, tree." He grumbles, and I do so without complaint as he keeps throwing up.
This will be a long night.

"Lafayette's PoV*

"JE PARLE EN ANGLAIS, VOUS NE CONNAISSEZ PAS L'ANGLAIS!" I yell angrily at my stupid friend.
"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!" He yells back, making his hands move really fast as he speaks.

*John's PoV*

While Herc and Laf are yelling at eachother, the Schylers are dancing, Wash looks stressed, Madison is being harassed by the King, (not in a bad way) and Alex and Jefferson are who-knows-where, I sit here pretty chilled sipping champagne and sprite.
The music is Hella fine as well, and I've eaten half a plate of weird blocks of cheese and grapes on skewers. They're really good.
Oh and I'm drawing Laf and Herc as they confusedly scream at eachother in English and French. It's funny.
God knows where Alex went with Jefferson, though Alex did look pretty ill at one point, then I found a half empty bottle of apple juice in a glass bottle. So I put the pieces together like the Sherlock Holmes I am and came to the conclusion that Alex is having an allergic reaction somewhere.
Not my problem, I'll let Jefferson put up with sick Alex.

*KingGeorge's PoV*
I'm so glad everyone is enjoying my party!
I had doubts, but seeing everyone so happy, I don't know why I doubted anything.
The food is going down nicely, and it is most amusing to watch the French boy and the Irish boy scream at eachother. This is going splendidly!

*Tired's PoV*

Though I'd like to go home and sleep for the next ten years, this party seems to be going okay.
That could be the drink though...
Regardless, I'm beginning to enjoy myself. Which is good.

*Alex's PoV*

Never in my life would I have thought that Thomas Jefferson would be holding my hair back as I vomit into a fancy toilet bowl.
I suppose it's moments like this that bring people closer.
If you still want to be friends with someone after you've watched them spill their guts in a bathroom, then you've got a good friendship.
God I wish I read the lable.

*Time skip brought to you by my inability to keep to a regular update schedule*

The clock stroke 12 as all us Americans left the grand building.
I have since recovered from my applejuice consumption, and I am now walking next to Thomas as we all make the long trek to the airport.
We were all going to stay in a hotel for the night, but half of us (Laf, Herc, Washington, James and Peggy) were various stages of drunkenness. Laf had to be carried by Thomas, Herc was stumbling but steady, Washington was also stumbling but steady, James was tipsy, and Peggy...well, no-one was actually sure about Peggy. Staying in a hotel at this point would bring chaos to everyone else staying there, so we're going straight home.
All that's left to do is catch our flight home, and stay in bed for the foreseeable future.
Laf is gonna have a killer headache tomorrow.

Wow, I did it, I finished the story!
Be proud, please....
I will go back to prompts now, because I have the imagination of a skittle.


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