Trees (Washette)

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I don't know why I called this chapter what I did,'ll understand.
(The ship is Lafayette and Washington btw)
Prompt is watching the other sleep.
Trigger Warnings: none. (・。・)

*GeneralWashingMachine's PoV*

The battle has been hard. So many deaths, so many decisions. Lee has not helped in the slightest, and I am unbelievably tired. I decide to wander the field as the the sun sets, I have nothing more to do for now.
The air around me is not too warm, unlike the previous days of blistering heat, it is boardering being chilly, though my cape keeps me warm.
As I make my way through the field, I spy someone under a nearby tree, they appear to be unmoving. I fear that they may be dead, the fear increases when I see how bloody they are. They almost look like a redcoat, but I see a faint blue fabric, meaning they are one of my men.
I rush over to them, my heart stopping when I notice the unmistakable curly hair of my dear comrade, Marquis de Lafayette.
Upon closer inspection, however, I notice the steady rise and fall of his chest, showing that he is merely sleeping. It puts my mind at ease to know he is okay, but I also see that he appears to be shivering slightly in his subconscious.
Being considerably tired myself, I decide that it would not hurt to sit next to him, maybe try and get some rest as well. I take a seat on the grass, as close to the Frenchman as I dare, and remove my cape, setting it over the both of us. Lafayette may be tall, but very slight in terms of build-though not strengh-wise, he is remarkably strong.
I take a few moments to really look at him. His caramel-coloured skin appears darker in the fading sunset, and he has a peaceful expression. His black curly hair, commonly tied back is falling from its tie, falling messily around his face. Blood covers him from almost head to toe, but thankfully it is not his, and I realise how truly amazing it is that he is fighting with us. He is such an amazing soldier, and I can never give him enough praise.
Watching him breathe is calming, though I can imagine it would be very disturbing if he knew. I am eventually lulled into a slumber of my own, falling into a peaceful sleep next to the young Frenchman.

*Saut dans le temps, Lafayeet's PoV*

The morning rays awake me from my slumber, and I shuffle around a little to get comfortable. That's when I notice the fabric covering me from the shoulders down. I decided that perhaps another soldier saw me and leant me their cape as a blanket, when I hear a noise next to me.
I nearly screech when I see a figure next to me, asleep.
Upon closer inspection, I realise that it is none other than General Washington, sleeping next to me under a tree.
Still ready to screech and run, I gently shake the General awake, taking deep breaths to compose myself.
"Ahem, General...good morning?" I say hesitantly, not sure what to say to him.
"Hm? Oh, Lafayette, good morning!" He chirps, yawning.
He must've noticed my confusion, as he suddenly begins to explain the situation.
"Sorry about this, it's just I saw you sleeping here last night, and you looked cold so I put my cape over you. I was tired myself so I decided to join you. That is all. I apologize." The General says, apologetic and almost...sheepish? I believe the word is.
"Oh, non do not worry, General, it is quite alright. Merci, it was kind of you to lend your cape." I tell him, patting him on the shoulder.
It is warm this morning, so I remove the cape, noticing my filthy clothes.
"Mon dieu, my clothes are horrible, I must clean them." I mumble to myself, standing up and offering a hand out.
"If I may, sir, could I accompany you back to camp?" I ask the General, smiling as he takes my hand and stands up.
"Why of course, Lafayette. Let us go."

Can I call you guys pidgeons? I'm gonna call you guys pidgeons.


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