J'taime (Hamlaf)

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This is gonna be angst because I like angst.
Based off of the song ^^^ it's one of my favourites at the moment.
Modern Au
Trigger Warning: Death

*LaFfAyEtTe'S PoV*

"Listen to me, Alexander, you have to take a break!" I say, pulling on the overworked man's sleeve.
"You'll work yourself to death." Again, I try to reason with him, but he snapped back at me.
"No, you listen to me, Lafayette, why should I have to listen to you always going on at me about taking a break?" He sounded so harsh, I had to blink back the tears I felt forming in my eyes. I almost hoped he noticed so he would stop, but he persisted.
"You know what, you want me to take a break so badly, I'll leave. How about that, huh? I'll get up and leave you!" He shouts at me, and stands up as if to prove his point.
"NON, Š'IL VOUS PLAÎT!" I shout back, tears starting to fall now, I don't try to stop them.
"Oh, cry all you want. We're over." He spits, storming over to the front door.
He wouldn't.
Would he?
I hear the door open, and I run out after him, begging him to come inside. He's being dramatic! All I asked was that he took a break, is that so wrong?
"OH GET LOST, YOU DON'T EVEN BELONG IN THIS COUNTRY!" He yells back, I gasp and fall to my knees. How dare he. I worked hard to get here. I begin sob uncontrollably as neighbours open their doors and windows to see the commotion.
"NOTHING TO SAY? AT LEAST I CAN SAY I CAME HERE LEGALLY!" He keeps on and on. In a way, what he is saying is true. I disguised myself to get over here, as a pregnant woman no less, but that does not mean I have any less right to be here than anyone else!
I look up as I hear a piercing scream, in time to see Alexander stood in the road as a car comes speeding towards him. He must not have been looking where he was walking; he looked terrified.


There was silence throughout the street.
The car kept going.
I stare in shock.
"Alexander?" I stand up and start to approach the body on the ground.
"Hey, mon amour, stand up..." my voice is quiet and hoarse from crying and shock, and I hear doors being closed. Nobody wanted to be apart of this, I didn't blame them.
"A-Alexander?" I lift him up and feel the wetness of blood on my hands.
"I'm taking you inside, okay? I'm sorry for shouting." I say slowly walking inside, closing the door.

J't'aime, J't'aime, toujour.

"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" I tell him, I see him spasm as I take the first aid kit out of the cupboard

I am forever yours.

Inside, I knew there was no saving him, my Alexander was hit full on, and the car was going at least 70mph.

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon chère.

I stifle a sob as I walk over to him, med kit in hand.

You're always in my prayers.

"This will hurt, I'm sorry." I say, hoping he can hear me.
Always hoping.

Softly, sweetly, wrapped up in heaven's arms.

Just then, he emits a horrific noise, like a gurgle, before blood shoots from his mouth and splashed onto his pale face.
He's choking on his own blood.

Sailing, soaring; over the moon, gathering stardust.

I try to find the source of the bleeding, while trying not to throw up as blood splashes on my face. The place looks like a murder scene.
An ambulance.
That's what I need.

Be still, be safe, be sure,

I fumble in my pocket with shaking hands and manage to dial the number.
911, what's your emergency?

J't'aime, J't'aime, toujour

A-ambulance, now!

Wishing, praying, all of your dreams come true.

Sir, please calm down, where are you? Is the patient breathing?

Please remember, where'er you are, my heart is with you.

The Grange, 141st Street, he's bleeding, so much. MERDE, SON CŒUR NE BAT PAS!

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mom chère.

Sir, we have sent an ambulance, can you stay on the line?

Always in my prayers.

N-non, je ne peux pas.


I cannot.

I am forever yours,

I hang up and howl in grief. If I had left him alone, this would not have happened. I find where he is bleeding and press on it with a roll of bandages, not bothering to unroll them. It would be pointless. He gives one final spasm, and groans in pain before coughing up more blood. As he does, I swear I see small bits of flesh, or even lung, fly out with it, and punch the sofa as hard as I can to take away the grief. Before I lose him forever, I say one final thing to him, that I pray he can hear:

"J't'aime, J't'aime, toujour."

Yaaaaaaay, happy fun times!
Sorry if this chapter isn't that great, I'm tired.
I hope you enjoyed that emotional rollercoaster, but now I'm hungry and require food.


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