CrEaTiViTy (Hamilsquad)

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*Screeches at you*
Prompt is drawing eachother. I couldn't decide just one ship, so I decided it would be funnier for da Bois to draw eachother instead.
Modern Au
Trigger Warnings: none 👌🏻

*Leaf's PoV*

"Mon amis, I am bored and want to do something." I proclaim, entering the shared living room and flopping down on Alexander.
"First, ow, and secondly, what do you want to do?" Alexander asks, shoving me off onto the floor.
"Grossier..." I mumble, standing up and making my way over to the mini-fridge.
"Well?" Alexander presses, expecting me to answer his questions. Why should I? He can't tell me what to do. He's not my father, my father is dead!
"I do not know." I answer, taking a chocolate bar and eating it. What else would you do with one?
"Fantastic." He mutters, John suddenly speaks up.
"Okay, I have paper and stuff in my room, let's have a drawing contest!" He exclaims, rushing to his room without hearing what we have to say. Of course we would say yes, but he could've asked if it was okay.
"Drawing contest it is." Hercules says, sitting down next to Alexander on the couch. I am sat cross-legged on the floor like a responsible adult.
John comes out of his room, brandishing pencils and paper, placing them on the coffee table.

*HlexanderAamilton's PoV*

I can't draw to save my life. I can write page upon page of anything you ask me to, I can defend my point until I'm blue in the face. Ask me to draw, I'll stab you with the pencil. I've lost this contest already.

*MerculesHulligan's PoV*

Okay, great idea, but the only reason John chose it was because he is like, the Vann Gough of our squad. I'm okay at drawing, but only clothing because I'm a tailor. This could go either way.

*IDon'tKnowHowToWriteLafayette'sNameInTheWayIDidTheOtherTwo's PoV*

I am excitedly vibrating because this is the best idea I've ever heard.

*LohnJauren's PoV*

This is going to be fun, what I'm gonna do is have us draw eachother.
"So, now that you all have your paper, these are the rules. Each of you draw three boxes on your paper." I instruct, showing them how with my own paper and pencil.
"Now, we have one hour to draw each person in this room. You do not draw yourself. For example, Alex will draw Laf, Herc and me. I will draw Laf, Herc and Alex. Are we clear?" I ask, satisfied when I get three determined nods.
We're such children.
"OKAY, THREE... TWO..." I pause to build suspense.
And we begin to draw.

*Hammy's PoV*

You can do this, you have one hour to draw three people. I begin by drawing rough head shapes, because that makes the most sense.
Not even a minute in and I already need to rub out the majority of my work, is this the stress the artists feel?


Now, I have the body down pretty well of Laf, and I make sure to take into account his feminine body shape. Alex is coming along nicely too, he's an average body type so it's not too difficult to get that on paper. John is a little more difficult since he has a cross between Laf and Alex's body-feminine but not much, and slightly avarage. It's going well though, this shouldn't be too hard.

*Lafayeet's PoV*

Mon dieu this is not as easy as I thought it would be. We're about twenty five minutes into the challenge and I'm just starting to draw Alexander. Drawing Hercules was difficult, as I couldn't get his shoes right, so they are kind of blob-looking things. This is the most fun I've had since crashing that shopping cart into a soup display though, and that was an amazing time. Alexander and I were shopping, and he told me that I couldn't run full speed with a shopping cart while screeching loudly. I proved him wrong. We also got a five month ban from our local food store.

*JohnnyBoi's PoV*

Ahh I love watching my friends suffer while I relax, totally in my element. We have roughly 12 minutes left, and I'm just touching up on Laf's hair, making a few improvements here and there to Alex and Herc.
I turn my paper over, showing that I'm done, waiting it out until the timer goes off.

BzzzzztBzzzzzt BzzzzztBzzzzzt

I turn off the alarm and watch as the other three out their pencils down. Alex looks distressed, Herc looks pretty happy, and Laf...he's happy, I think.
"Right, that's the timer. Who wants to go first? I ask, getting silence as a response.
"You should go first, Mon Ami!" Laf exclaims, pointing to me. I sigh and smile. Why not.
"Sure." I say, flipping over the paper to reveal my sketches.
"Oh my god!"
"Très bon!"
"I quit."
They were my three responses.
I laugh and ask to see Hercules' next, since his work would be interesting.
"You wanna see mine?" He asks, we all nod at him.
"They're nothin' special, but sure." He turns his paper over to reveal three really good sketches that I'd be super proud of.
"Herc, they're amazing!"
"Oui, I agree, they are quite...uhm, begins with an s... spectaculaire...SPECTACULAR!"
"Again, I quit, that's amazing."
We give our comments and move on from a slightly embarrassed Hercules.
"Lafayette, want to show what you've done?" I ask, and he gives me an enthusiastic nod.
I have to say, his work is pretty good for someone who doesn't draw often. The shoes are slightly strange on us all, but the rest is super good.
"Nice, I really like it!"
"Damn, that's iontach!"
"I. Quit."
"Herc, what does iontach mean?" I ask, not fluent in any language, including my own half the time.
"Oh, it's Irish for amazing." He explains, we nod.
"Okay, Alex, gremlin, genius writer, it's your turn." I say, directing my attention to the gremlin pouting from across the table.
He flips his paper over to reveal three sketches. From the way he was talking before, I was expecting bad art, but the drawings were actually pretty good. He's only drawn our heads, but there's a lot of detail, and good detail too.
We all give our final responses.
"C'est fantastique!"
"I agree with Laf, they're really good, Alex!"
"And I thought you said you couldn't draw."
We decide that it's time to vote for the best, the loser having to go and buy coffee for us all.
Ranking as follows:
I thought that Herc should've won, but I was chosen instead. I felt kind of bed that Alex had to buy coffee, so I paid for it. He still had to go and get it though, I'm not that nice.
Alex eventually gets back, and we sit around discussing issues and drinking our coffee. Lafayette insisted that we put our drawing on the wall, so we did.

Hello pidgeons.
Do I apologize for all the PoV changes?
Hope you have a great day, night, evening, morning or whatever the time is when you're reading this.


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