BBQ (Hamilsquad)

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So I was sat staring at the garden, refusing to go outside, when I thought 'oh my god Hamilsquad BBQ'
So that's what this is.
Modern Au
Trigger Warnings: None.

*TurtleUwUBoi's PoV*

"GUYS!" I yell to my friends, nearly smashing my face into the sliding glass door that led to Alex's back yard. I had come up with the best idea, and it needed to be shared.
"What?" Herc questions, looking up briefly from his book.
"HOW ABOUT WE HAVE A BBQ!" I shout excitedly, I see Lafayette's eyes sparkle in excitement.
"Oui! That's a great idea!" He says, the other two nod in agreement.
"Sure, so long as my garden doesn't go up in flames." Alex chuckles, and we all glance to Laf.
"What? I accidentally burned my kitchen twice!" He protests as he throws his hands up.
It was quite funny when we got a joint FaceTime call from Laf as he said nothing but turned his camera to his burning oven. What was funnier was when it caught onto the cupboard and he started cursing in French. It was only a small fire, so nothing got badly damaged. The second time was funny too.
We were sat in his living room as he made soup, then the French cursing started and we ran in to find that the oven was on fire again.
He's not allowed to use anyone's kitchen anymore.
"Laf, you go with Hercules to get food and an instant barbecue - no, get two, and John you can help me get things ready here." Alex says, handing Hercules $35 to get everything.
Once they leave, Alex and I start on the yard. We drag the table out as well as the chairs, and I set up plates, glasses and utensils.
"This was a good idea, John." Alex says to me as he puts napkins on all the plates.
"Heh thanks, I come up with the best ones." I reply, gasping in mock offence when he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"NOUS SOMMES DE RETOUR!" We hear the familiar French of Lafayette as the duo arrive back.
"We got the stuff, but didn't have enough for alcohol." Herc says as he sets the bag down on the table.
"That's fine, we don't need alcohol." Alex states, looking through the bag.
"Why is Lafayette practically hyperventilating?" I ask, concerned as Lafayette bounces slightly on his heels and looking like a child who was given a free pass to everywhere in Disney Land.
"We found Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, he's never had them before." Herc tells us as we stare at the Frenchman in shock.
"We don't eat much peanut butter in France, so this is incroyable!" (True fact, look it up) He explains, taking the candy out of the bag and pointing to it.
"Okay, well imma start on the BBQ, Laf isn't allowed near it." Alex tells us as we laugh.
"Puis-je en avoir un maintenant?" Lafayette asks as Hercules and I look at him skeptically.
"Oui." Alexander replies. Laf claps his hands as he opens the Reece's Cups. Hercules looks at me confused, I shrug at him. We don't speak croissant.

(Time skip to when food is done)

"Okay, so I have burgers, sausages and chicken wings." Alexander tells us, presenting the food as he places it on the table.
Lafayette loved the Reece's Cups and decided that he had to take some back to France when he next went.
"I think we should make a toast." Herc sates, raising his glass of apple juice. I follow, then Laf, then Alex.
"What to?" I ask.
"Us, friends." Hercules replies, clinking our glasses together.
"I'll drink to that." Alex says, sipping his juice.
"As will I!" I say.
"Oui! To friends and Reece's Peanut Butter!" Laf exclaims, chugging his juice. We laugh at his childishness and drink our juice.
"This food is great, when'd you lean to cook?" I ask Alexander, who gives a sideways look before speaking.
"Well, I didn't really have anyone around when I was younger, so I had to fend for myself." He explains hesitantly. I feel guilty.
"Oh man, I'm sorry I didn't realise! Uh, damn, do you want to change the subject?" I suggest quickly, not wanting to upset him.
"It's okay, don't worry. But a change of topic would be nice..." he chuckles, Herc speaks up.
"How about we play a game?" He asks, we all nod.
"Oooh, what about that truth and dare game?" Lafayette says, I mentally cringe.
"I think you mean 'truth or dare'" I tell him, he nods.
"Oui, truth or dare." He corrects himself.
"Sure." We all agree.
"Truth or dare, Herc." I say, deciding to start the game.
"Okay, is it true that you have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to your perfect wedding?" I ask him, knowing the answer.
"Yes, and I'm proud of that." He pouts, turning to Alex.
"Hey, ham the man, truth or dare?" He questions.
"Dare, I'm not a coward, and don't call me that."
"I dare you to chug an entire glass of apple juice in 30 seconds." Herc says, a grin plastered on his face.
"Fine." And with that, Alexander did chug an entire glass in 30 seconds, much to our disbelief.
"Done. Laf, truth or dare?"
"Uh, dare?" The Frenchman says hesitantly.
"I dare you to let Hercules braid your hair." Alexander says.
"Okay." Lafayette takes out his hair tie and sits in front of Hercules as the other man braids his hair.
We go back and fourth with the truths and dares for a while as the sun goes down.
At around 10pm, Laf gets tired so I drive him home, as well as dropping Hercules off at his house, before returning to my own. I do my nightly routine before getting into bed and drifting off to sleep.

Told you this would be longer.
It's a little fast-paced and stuff, but ah well.
But yeah I thought this would be a cute idea, and I learned something new. I can't believe the French don't eat much peanut butter!


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